Bachelor of Agriculture - International Food Business

* a dual degree awarded with a Bachelor of Administration (Honours) from Aeres University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands

Dalhousie University and Aeres University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands have partnered to offer a four-year, dual-degree program. Graduates will be awarded a Bachelor of Agriculture in International Food Business from Dalhousie University and a Bachelor of Administration in International Food Business (Honours) from Aeres University of Applied Sciences.

This exciting dual degree program offers a year of international study and two work terms: one in North America and one in Europe. In year one, North American students will study at Dalhousie University, and European students will study at Aeres University of Applied Sciences. Year two is offered in The Netherlands when both groups of students will study together and experience a work placement in Europe. This continues in year three when both groups of students study on Dalhousie’s Agricultural Campus in Truro, NS. Followed by a North American work placement. Students complete year four at their home university.

This four-year degree emphasizes its international focus by beginning with a one-week orientation in an international placement such as Iceland or Scotland. European and North American students get to know one another while exploring the local food industry. This unique program will appeal to students who enjoy studying independently, have an interest in business and are keen to explore the world.

Program Design and Delivery

The Bachelor of Agriculture in International Food Business is a modularized, competency-based program of study. The academic courses are integrated into a series of 10 modules throughout the first three years of the program. The module titles are listed below:

Year 1   Theme: International Business Essentials
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module 1.
Acquiring Knowledge of International Food Systems
Module 3.
Analyzing Food Value Chains
Module 2.
Analyzing Business Processes
Module 4.
Developing External Communication Strategies


Year 2 Theme: Innovation and Marketing
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module 5.
Innovating and Entrepreneurship in Food Business
Module 7.
Performing Market Research
Module 6.
Marketing Management
European Placement


Year 3 Theme: Leadership, Finances and Business Planning
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module 8.
Performing as a Leader and Manager
Module 10.
Developing Business Plans
Module 9.
Analyzing and Realizing Financial and Managerial Information and Forecasts
North American Placement

Students who complete all modules plus year 4 will receive credit in the following courses to meet the core requirements of the program:
ECOA 1000.03: Principles of Microeconomics
ECOA 1001.03: Principles of Macroeconomics
EGLA 1000.03: Composition
FOOD 1000.03: Food Safety and Quality Assurance
INFB 1000.03: International Food Policy and Environment
INFB 1001.03: International Food Business Project I
INFB 1002.03: International Food Business Project II
INFB 2000.03: International Food Business Project III
INFB 3000.03: International Food Business Project IV
MGTA 1002.03: Food Supply Chain Management
MGTA 1004.03: Introduction to Business
MGTA 2002.03: Marketing
MGTA 2004.03: Financial Accounting
MGTA 2006.03: Advertising and Promotion
MGTA 2011.03: International Marketing Research
MGTA 2012.03: Leadership and Human Resources
MGTA 3013.03: Introduction to Entrepreneurship in Food and Agribusiness
MGTA 2016.03: Food Law and Consumer Affairs
MGTA 2017.03: Political Economy of the EU
MGTA 2018.03: International Entrepreneurship
MGTA 2019.03: Organizational Behaviour
MGTA 2902.03: An Introduction to Design Thinking in Food and Agribusiness
MGTA 3000.03: Management Accounting
MGTA 3003.03: European Placement I
MGTA 3004.03: European Placement II
MGTA 3005.03: New Product Development
MGTA 3006.03: International Food Logistics 
MGTA 3009.03: Financial Management
MGTA 3010.03: Agribusiness Value Chain Management
INTA 4001.03: Internship III
RESM 4004.03: Research Methods for Economics and Business
RESM 4005.03: Project-Seminar for Economics and Business

eight electives (including three specializations)

Year 1

Semester I

ECOA 1000.03: Principles of Microeconomics
EGLA 1000.03: Composition
INFB 1000.03: International Food Policy and Environment
INFB 1001.03: International Food Business Project I
MGTA 1004.03: Introduction to Business

Semester II

INFB 1002.03: International Food Business Project II
FOOD 1000.03: Food Safety and Quality Assurance
MGTA 1002.03: Food Supply Chain Management
ECOA 1001.03: Principles of Macroeconomics
MGTA 2006.03: Advertising and Promotion

Year 2

Semester III

MGTA 2002.03: Marketing
MGTA 2016.03: Food Law and Consumer Affairs
MGTA 2018.03: International Entrepreneurship
MGTA 3005.03: New Product Development
MGTA 3006.03: International Food Logistics

Semester IV

INFB 2000.03: International Food Business Project III
MGTA 2011.03: International Marketing Research
MGTA 2017.03: Political Economy of the EU

Semester V

MGTA 3003.03: European Placement I
MGTA 3004.03: European Placement II

Year 3

Semester VI

INFB 3000.03: International Food Business Project IV
MGTA 2004.03: Financial Accounting
MGTA 2012.03: Leadership and Human Resources
MGTA 3013.03: Introduction to Entrepreneurship in Food and Agribusiness
MGTA 2019.03: Organizational Behaviour

Semester VII

MGTA 2902.03: An Introduction to Design Thinking in Food and Agribusiness
MGTA 3000.03: Management Accounting
MGTA 3009.03: Financial Management
MGTA 3010.03: Agribusiness Value Chain Management

Semester VIII

INTA 4001.03: Internship III

Year 4

Semester IX

RESM 4004.03: Research Methods for Economics and Business
Elective (First Specialization)
Elective (First Specialization)
Elective (Second Specialization)
Elective (Third Specialization)

Semester X

RESM 4005: Project-Seminar for Economics and Business
Elective (First Specialization)
Elective (Second Specialization)
Elective (Second Specialization)
Elective (Third Specialization)

In year four, students must take two, three-course specializations and one, two-course specialization. The following is a list of Specializations students can choose in consultation with the International Food Business Coordinator:

  • Development Studies
  • Leadership Studies
  • Environmental Studies
  • Economic Studies
  • Horticultural Studies
  • Management Studies
  • Organic Studies
  • Consumer Studies
  • other