Coordinated Arts Program (DalCAP)

Please note that this program is being temporarily suspended for 2022-2023.


Dalhousie offers the widest range of courses and programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences of any university in the Maritimes. We have dozens of first year courses to let you tailor your studies specifically to your interests. BA students can also choose courses from Science, Management, Computer Science, and from the neighbouring University of King’s College to further diversify their studies. Or, instead of picking your own set of courses, starting in the 2017/18 academic year, you might wish to start your time at Dal with our new intensive, interdisciplinary, coordinated year one program: the DalCAP.

This coordinated, structured set of courses will give you the foundation for engaging with the challenges facing our world, even as it provides an excellent entry point for most Majors in the Arts and Social Sciences*.  Still a full courseload, 30 credit hours program but with only three courses per term instead of the usual five, DalCAP lets you focus your attention – and will have coordinated assignment deadlines, too. You’ll work throughout the year with a group of students in the same program, benefiting from a community of people with similar interests in a mix of lectures and small discussion groups. The DalCAP is intended to ease first year students’ transitions to university by helping to create learning communities and simplifying course selection, even as it challenges participants to learn new skills and knowledge that will help them excel in a wide range of fields thereafter.

As a DalCAP student you’ll take:

Fall term:                                                                    

  • SUST 1000.06: Introduction to Environment, Sustainability and Society 1                  
  • CRWR 1030/ENGL 1030.06: Reading and Writing Stories        
  • plus one course of your choice (3 credit hours)                       

Winter term:

  • POLI 1500.06: Globalizations (Political Science, Sociology, and Social Anthropology)
  • HIST 1510.06: The History of the Future
  • plus one course of your choice (3 credit hours)

* Note: For language majors (i.e., French, German, Spanish, and Russian), add the relevant intro course as your optional course. Students intending to major in Philosophy are encouraged (but not required) to add an intro Philosophy course. The DalCAP program isn’t suitable as a first year for Music or Theatre students. Note that the DalCAP program satisfies four of the five distribution requirements for BA students: it covers the Science, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Writing requirements, leaving only the language requirement to be fulfilled with either the optional course or in a later year.
