Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) Program


As one of two universities in Canada with mandatory work terms integrated into the student experience, we are a proud leader in embedding experiential learning into our Bachelor of Commerce Co-op Program.  We continue this path with a robust team of professionals who support students in their pursuit of meaningful work. Our students are encouraged to broaden their experiential opportunities by engaging with our many student societies, participating in case competitions and pursuing international study or work terms which are supported by our Global Experience Hub.  

With faculty who offer relevant and challenging material in the classroom and a dedicated co-op and career services team who understands the needs of employers, locally, nationally, and globally, our students begin their careers with confidence and skill.  Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada) our students are also prepared with the necessary scholarship should they wish to continue their education.   

BComm Co-op Student Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Develop knowledge of key concepts and issues relevant to organizations and their communities, as well as in-depth knowledge within specialized business disciplines.  
  • Enhance communication skills which are needed to excel in business and management careers.  
  • Develop analytical and decision-making skills, through a mix of theoretical and applied approaches which include lectures, discussion groups, individual and collaborative research projects, casework, and field work.  
  • Develop an understanding of the needs of public, private and not-for-profit sectors and the significance of socially responsible management practices to ensure we understand the impact of decisions on future generations.  

Questions about the Bachelor of Commerce Co-op program can be directed to the Undergraduate Advising Office, 6100 University Avenue, Suite2086, by sending an email to or calling 1 (902) 494-3710.  
