Certificate in Web and Mobile Computing

Type: Credit-based

Offered by:  Faculty of Computer Science

Coordinator: Dr. Raghav Sampangi, Director MACS, raghav@cs.dal.ca


The Certificate in Web and Mobile Development aims to create a focused pathway for students to develop core skills on web development, mobile development and user experience design. It aims to educate students to be application developers with a strong foundation of developing user-centric web and mobile applications.

Upon completion of the certificate, you will:

1) Acquire competencies to develop digital applications with good user experiences.
2) Develop skills to transform customer needs and user needs into software requirements and architectures to develop web and mobile applications.
3) Acquire the skills to evaluate the necessary infrastructure to develop and implement scalable web and mobile applications.

Admission Requirements / Eligibility:

Admission is only open to students currently enrolled in the MACS program.

Certificate Requirements:

Core course requirements:

CSCI 5708.03 - Mobile Computing

CSCI 5709.03 - Advanced Topics in Web Development

CSCI 5601.03 - Designing for User Experience 

Electives (Pick 3 credit hours from the following courses):

CSCI 5306.03 - Topics in Program Comprehension

CSCI 5409.03 - Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing

CSCI 6307.03 - Usable Security and Privacy

CSCI 6609.03 - Ubiquitous Computing

Application of Credit Hours Towards Other Degree Requirements: 

Courses completed as part of this certificate may be double-counted towards the requirements of a concurrent degree, subject to approval by the student’s supervisor and graduate coordinator in their primary degree program. Courses not approved to count towards the primary degree requirements will result in additional tuition fees on a per-course fee basis.
