Master of Science

Program Format

Delivery Format: Primarily In-Person
Enrollment Options: Full-time
Standard Duration: 16 months or longer without scheduled breaks

Fee Information

Fee Format: Program Fee, payable each term
Full-time Program Fee Duration: 12 months
International Tuition Fee: Payable for up to 2, based on thesis-option rate

Program Overview

The program is an interdisciplinary master's degree with an emphasis on thesis work which focuses on tackling problems in biology, molecular biology and health-science related fields through significant research contributions in mathematics, statistics and computer science. This program is set within the framework of current interdisciplinary research conducted within Dalhousie. Students in this program will join a community of researchers in the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics.

Resources from the faculties of Computer Science, Medicine and Science are coordinated to offer a flexible program, with a limited course load and an emphasis on research activities. Students from a broad selection of backgrounds are invited to consider the program. Each candidate is supervised within the research group of their supervisor from the beginning of their tenure.
