Radiation Oncology
Location: Nova Scotia Cancer Centre
5820 University Avenue
Dickson Building, Room 3001A
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, NS
B3H 4R2
Telephone: (902) 473-6010
Fax: (902) 473-1273
Website: medicine.dal.ca/departments/department-sites/radiation-oncology.html
Email: shelleya.saulnier@nshealth.ca

One of the core missions of the Department of Radiation Oncology is to provide a rich educational experience in radiation oncology for undergraduate medical students, residents, patients and members of our broader community.


Our faculty members participate in the undergraduate curriculum by tutoring in the "Professional Competencies" and "Clinical Skills" programs and teaching the "Integrated Unit" taught in Med I and II. Faculty members also supervise Med I and Med II longitudinal electives and mentor students for RIM projects. A large volume of clinical material is available at the NSCC/QEII HSC, and students attend many of the multidisciplinary oncology clinics, particularly in their clerkship years. This is particularly relevant to their understanding of the complex issues involved in the management of patients with various malignancies.


An elective rotation in Radiation Oncology for a period of 2-4 weeks is strongly encouraged. A 3 week elective in Radiation Oncology meets the criteria for the multi-disciplinary elective requirement. Students are assigned to preceptors and exposed to the clinical and technical aspects of radiation oncology. It provides an overview of a clinical modality central to a broader oncology program. Small clinical research projects are encouraged and supported. Our department participates annually in the Med 2 PREP elective to encourage students to explore our specialty.  Special requests including shadowing in clincis are considered for all levels of medical training.

Resident Training

The Radiation Oncology Residency Training Program is a fully accredited five year program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Training is in the Competence by Design model, is intensive and provides residents with solid grounding in the basic sciences of radiation biology, physics, and oncology, along with ongoing clinical training in radiation oncology. The program is primarily based in Halifax, with a smaller component of mandatory training in Saint John, NB. Residents from other programs spend elective time in the department.

Graduate Program

Faculty members of the department also provide education in the Medical Physics Residency Program or Medical Physics track of the MSc and PhD degree programs offered through the Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science.


In keeping with our mission, The Department of Radiation Oncology is fully committed to perform and participate in research activities aimed at advancing the practice of radiation oncology. We aim to provide students with the skills essential to conduct innovative research, including the leadership, management, collaboration, and communication proficiencies necessary to define them as the future leaders of Canada’s scientific community.

Continuing Medical Education

Department faculty participate fully in several CME programs across the Maritime Provinces.
