Welcome - Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Field Class BIOL 3640   Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Field Class
Hands-on introduction to tropical ecology, biodiversity, and conservation. Includes an 18-day field trip to Sri Lanka to visit a variety of tropical terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, quantify habitats, identify species, and study agroforestry, ecological interactions and animal behavior. Evaluation includes lecture tests, field notebooks, class research projects, presentations and reports.
NOTES: Offered in summer through SEASIDE. Special application procedure. An auxiliary fee is charged to cover field expenses. For dates, times and special registration procedures, see: seaside.science.dal.ca.
FORMAT COMMENTS: Field-intensive, Lectures, Labs, International experience
PREREQUISITES: BIOL 2003.03 and BIOL 2004.03 or equivalent and BIOL 2060 or equivalent or instructor’s permission. An introductory course in statistics (STAT 1060.03 or similar) is recommended.