Welcome - Gender and Health SOSA 3145   Gender and Health
This course aims to reflect upon and challenge our taken-for-granted assumptions about the gendered dimensions of health and healthcare. Rather than take the categories of 'women's health' and 'men's health' as its foundation, the course revolves around two main questions: (1) how does the field of health and healthcare define and enforce the very categories of 'women' and 'men'?; (2) how does gender, thus defined and enforced, affect the health, healthcare, and health work of those defined as men, women, or other? We will consider these questions by examining particular health topics that have a strongly gendered component, such as sexual health, reproductive health, and disability. Throughout the course, we will explore the theoretical perspectives used in the field; the two-sex model and challenges to it; the gendering of particular health problems and health professions; the medicalization of womanhood and, more recently, manhood; and the relationships between gender and other forms of social classification (e.g. race, class, sexual orientation). It is recommended that students take SOSA 2501 or SOSA 2400 or SOSA 2503 prior to taking this course.
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: One SOSA 1000 level course or FYP, SOSA 2503 (Med Sci Students)