Welcome - Marine Ornithology BIOL 3628   Marine Ornithology
Overview of the biology of birds in marine environments. Seabird ecology, evolution, adaptations, identification, and natural history. Tools and techniques for studying their behaviour, diet, and populations in the field. Lectures, exercises, and a week-long field trip to Maritime seabird breeding colonies. Student team and independent research projects and presentations.
NOTES: Offered in summer through SEASIDE. An auxiliary fee is charged to cover field expenses. For dates, times and special registration procedures, see: seaside.science.dal.ca.
FORMAT COMMENTS: FORMAT: Field-intensive, Lectures, Labs
PREREQUISITES: BIOL 1010 or BIOL 1020 or equivalent, and BIOL 1011 or BIOL 1021 or equivalent, or SCIE 15XX, one of BIOL 2003 or BIOL 2004, and BIOL 2060, or instructor's permission. Knowledge of statistics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and familiarity with Excel spreadsheets are helpful, but not required, for research projects.