Minor in Health Studies - Applied Coastal Ecology BIOL 3623   Applied Coastal Ecology
Applied Coastal Ecology explores impacts of anthropogenic inputs on structure and function of coastal ecosystems. Through field trips, laboratories and guest demonstrations, students examine ecosystem health, e.g. communities on rocky shores, salt marshes and sandy shores and learn experimental design, principles of environmental assessment and monitoring, and coastal habitat remediation.
NOTES: Offered in summer through SEASIDE. An auxiliary fee is charged to cover field expenses. For dates, times and special registration procedures, see seaside.science.dal.ca. Not offered every year.
  • Lecture
  • Lab

FORMAT COMMENTS: Field intensive
PREREQUISITES: BIOL 2003.03 and BIOL 2060.03 (or BIOA 3001.03)
CROSS-LISTING: ENVS 3623.03, MARI 3623.03