Program Requirements - Income Tax Frameworks BUSI 6105   Income Tax Frameworks
This course is for any student who has an interest in understanding more about the world. It will be relevant whether you are an entrepreneur working for yourself, or if you work with or for small or large businesses, non-profit or charitable organizations, or if you are simply interested in how tax applies to you personally. The course does not have a fixed disciplinary focus: it is not a course in tax accounting, tax economics or tax law. Instead, the course offers an overview about how income tax frameworks are developed by policy makers in countries around the world. Students will not leave the course with a detailed understanding of Canada’s income tax law or accounting principles – there are other courses at Dalhousie that can assist with those. Instead, you will leave this course with the ability to identify the core components of all income tax law frameworks alongside the major policy decisions that countries make in choosing how to resolve thorny questions like whether or not to allow loss consolidation, how to tax in-kind benefits received by employees, and the appropriate timing for deductions. You will also understand some of the basic tax considerations that underpin regular business activities, like hiring a worker, incorporating, or selling a business.
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: None. Students do not need to have any previous tax experience – whether in practice or because you have taken a course in taxation.