Program Requirements - Enterprise Risk Management BUSI 6257   Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a rapidly developing field that recognizes that organizations need a holistic strategy for managing uncertainty. Going well beyond the traditional financial risk management, ERM is a recognition that organizations (both for-profit, as well as not-for-profit) need a systematic and efficient way of managing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). This recognition has led to the rise in prominence of the Chief Risk Officer, which is now a key role in a wide range of organizations, and not just financial institutions. Additionally, every major Board now has a dedicated risk committee. This course takes students through this exciting and rapidly developing field and its career possibilities. The course begins by discussing the major philosophies about managing risk, develops key concepts about systems thinking and its role in risk management, progresses through the major risk frameworks, examines the various methods for measuring risk, explores the major methods for managing risk, and concludes with a critical look at the evolution and the potential future developments in risk management.
FORMAT: Lecture