Program Requirements - Marketing Analytics BUSI 6425   Marketing Analytics
John Wanamaker said a century ago, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” This shows the critical value of measuring the impact of marketing activities for marketing managers. It is also common to hear that marketers “invest” in their consumers or brands which implies that marketers are expected to report “return on investment”. Moreover, the concepts of productivity and profitability require marketers to justify their spending and their investment to the senior management in the organization. The challenge therefore is to design the most effective measurement framework for a company based on objectives and data availability. Thus, this course provides rigorous tools and approaches to measure the effectiveness of marketing expenditures that can help marketing managers make better decisions and investments. This course will provide you with a comprehensive overview and understanding various concepts and tools for generating marketing insights from data in such areas as segmentation, targeting and positioning, satisfaction management, customer lifetime analysis, customer choice, product and price decisions using conjoint analysis, and text analysis and search analytics.
FORMAT: Lecture