Minor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation - People, Work, and Organizations: Micro Organizational Behaviour MGMT 2303   People, Work, and Organizations: Micro Organizational Behaviour
Organizational behavior and the study of work organizations and management draw on a number of disciplines within social sciences to help us to understand and make sense of individual behavior and human action in groups and organizations. Through a combination of individual assessments, reflections, and assignments related to real-world application, this course will explore concepts and theories relating to micro aspects of organizational behavior. Topics include: individual motivation, personality, perception, attitudes, cultural values, and ethics in organizations. Links will also be made to practice and processes in organizations (for example: rewards, stress appraisal, trust and organizational commitment).
FORMAT: Online Delivery
FORMAT COMMENTS: Online Asynchronous Lectures, activities, assessments, reflections independent learning
EXCLUSIONS: COMM 2303.03*Students who have taken COMM 2303.03 Introduction to Managing People are currently required to take MGMT 3309.03 (Management Skills Development) for full exclusion to MGMT 2303.03 and MGMT 2304.03.