Minor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation - People, Work and Organizations: Macro Aspects of Organizational Behaviour MGMT 2304   People, Work and Organizations: Macro Aspects of Organizational Behaviour
This course takes a macro perspective of organizational behavior (micro perspectives are covered in MGMT 2303) that considers the relationships between ethical, cultural, social, economic and political factors and the managing and organizing of work. Topics include: communication, team performance and leadership, and how they interact with organizational structures, power and politics, organizational cultures, the process of change, and ultimately, levels of employee commitment and performance. To achieve a balance between theoretical and practical learning, the teaching methods will combine mini-lectures with in-class/on-line exercises, cases, and discussions.
FORMAT: Lecture
EXCLUSIONS: COMM 2303.03 Please note: where a student is transferring from Commerce to Management and has taken COMM 2303.03, they will need to take the complementary course MGMT 3309.03 (Management Skills Development) to receive full credit for MGMT 2303.03 and MGMT 2304.03