Minor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation - Introduction to Entrepreneurship in Food and Agribusiness (A) MGTA 3013   Introduction to Entrepreneurship in Food and Agribusiness (A)
This course is about entrepreneurial thinking and acting on it. By linking theory and practice with a sustainable food and agriculture lens, the course will expose students to the issues, problems and challenges of developing new ventures and provide students with the opportunity, within the framework of a formal class, to explore and develop venture ideas, testing ideas assumptions, and most importantly how to act on ideas with the resources you have on hand. Experiential exercises enable the students to build a personal entrepreneurial strategy, identify an innovative idea, build a business model, gather resources, and present a business idea. The purpose of the course is to provide students a foundation from which they can act entrepreneurially for themselves or for the organization they work for.
FORMAT: Lecture
RESTRICTIONS: Third year standing