Pharmacology - Directed Research Project in Pharmacology PHAC 4100   Directed Research Project in Pharmacology
This course is intended to introduce students to academic research in a laboratory environment. Students will work closely with a supervisor to develop a research question and project proposal to address this question. Students will learn laboratory skills and expand their knowledge in Pharmacology. It is expected that students will take 4000 & 4100 consecutively in Fall & Winter terms of the same academic year, unless otherwise agreed upon with the student, coordinator and supervisor.
NOTES: To register for this class, students must find a supervisor in the Department of Pharmacology and complete a project description, including expectations/role of the student learning objectives and assessment components. The project outline, objectives and assessment must be approved by the course coordinator prior to registration.
FORMAT: Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Practicum Lab Hours Average 6-8 hours
COREQUISITES: PHAC 3001 or PHAC 3030 or PHAC 4403 or PHAC 4409
RESTRICTIONS: Requires permission of coordinator and supervisor
EXCLUSIONS: Lab work that is part of another course or paid employment is not eligible. Cannot be taken concurrently with an Experiential Learning or Honours course.