Minor in American Studies - Canadian-American Relations POLI 2540   Canadian-American Relations
Canada’s relationship with the United States affects almost every aspect of our political, economic, social and cultural life. The U.S. outranks Canada on all the dimensions of power and influence by factors of 10 or 12 to one, and in some fields (e.g., military capacity) by considerably more. Well over 40% of Canada’s economic production goes into exports, and of that well over 80% goes to the United States. Canadians cannot go to the movies, watch television, listen to popular music, consume fast food, or do errands at the local shopping centre without exposing themselves to what a prominent American political scientist has described as his country’s ‘soft power’. This course will consider how Canadians are affected by these and other influences from south of the border, how they have debated them among themselves, and what public policies have been established in response to the concerns they have generated.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion

PREREQUISITES: 1000-level course in Political Science or Kings FYP recommended
EXCLUSIONS: POLI 2510X/Y.06, 2512X/Y.06