Master of Science (MSc) - Fundamentals of Psychiatry Research PSYR 6002   Fundamentals of Psychiatry Research
This course will cover aspects of psychiatric research methods and design. It will touch on aspects of research methodology that are common to most forms of medical research, but focus on those that are specific to research on psychiatry and mental disorders. The format of each class will involve a combination of faculty didactic lectures and student-led presentations or hands-on applications of the topic (e.g., during the neuroimaging class, students will participate in a hands-on imaging session at BIOTIC). Students will complete the course by presenting their thesis proposal (or equivalent see below) to the class.
  • Lecture
  • Seminar
  • Discussion

PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites are required; however, students are expected to have some familiarity research methods and design (e.g., PSYO 2000; PSYO 3122). Students outside of the MScP program require course director’s approval.