Data, Risk & Emerging Technologies

The development of new technologies is expected to change the world as we know it. Learn how to adopt emerging technologies and navigate new risks around data privacy.


Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

This technology spans many industries from banking to healthcare, entertainment, supply chain management and more. Get trained in blockchain and cryptocurrency with our certificate program that includes three 6-week courses that can be taken individually.


  • Introduction to Blockchain and Blockchain Networks
  • Introduction to Blockchain Platforms, Cryptocurrencies and the Digital Economy
  • The Future of Blockchain: Challenges, Opportunities and Introduction to Blockchain Use Cases 

Data Management for Professionals

Gain a broad perspective of data management issues occurring in enterprise organizations in this three-course certificate. It connects business practices with technology to increase participants’ data literacy.


  • Introduction to Enterprise Data Management
  • Data Governance
  • Data Storage Technologies

JavaScript Coding Fundamentals: Preparing for Professional Engagements

Develop JavaScript coding skills and cultivate good programming practices that are transferable to other software development languages and environments. Connecting real-world examples to coding theory, this certificate will provide a solid skills foundation for participants interested in developing JavaScript programs in professional environments.


  • JavaScript Coding 1: Building Foundational Skills
  • JavaScript Coding 2: Developing Software of Medium Complexity

Sustainable Energy Technologies

As the world fights the effects of the climate crisis, let’s embrace renewable energy, smart cities and the clean technologies that are shaping our future. Taking three 6-week courses, you’ll learn how energy systems work, where they can be successfully deployed, the economic implications, policy directions, and how they will integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT).


  • Energy Fundamentals
  • Wind Energy Developers
  • Solar Energy Developers 

Standalone Course

- Corporate Social Responsibility
A fully self-paced, 42-hour course that will teach you what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is and the growing importance and expectations of corporate citizenship. You will learn about responsible investing, sustainability reporting, benchmarking performance and what factors to consider when creating a CSR that will work for your organization.