English Language Studies

We offer a range of English language programs accredited by Languages Canada and designed for students and professionals at all levels of proficiency.

We also offer professional development for teachers and faculty in English-medium instruction, language education, and internationalization.

Explore our programs and courses designed for Students and for Professionals and Educators.

For Students

We offer a wide range of English Language Studies programs, online and face-to-face, accredited by Languages Canada and designed for students at all levels of their English language learning.

Our programs focus on developing the English skills needed for success in university. Improve academic reading, writing, speaking and listening skills while also learning how to do research and gaining an introduction to Canadian academic culture.

English for Academic Purposes

EAP could be right for you if you're planning to take a bachelor's, master's or doctorate, if you've been conditionally accepted to an academic program, but do not meet English language requirements, or if you want to improve your English language skills.

Online and face-to-face delivery options are available.

English in Canada

This four-week program is available in February, June, July and August, and uniquely combines English language study with university courses in different subject areas.

Applied Language Courses

English for Academic Credit

This selection of courses will help you improve your English communication and academic skills, and your writing and research skills. Choose from English Communication and Academic Skills, Academic Writing and Research Skills, and Academic Foundations for Computer Science Students. 

For Professionals and Educators

Gain an international perspective, build intercultural competence, and boost your employability by studying online with us.

This is your opportunity to invest in your future, gain competitive advantages by improving English proficiency, learn about Canadian academic culture and receive an official certificate and transcript from the Faculty of Open Learning & Career Development.

Certificate in English-Medium Instruction

This four-course certificate will help you improve teaching and learning in an English-Medium Instruction (EMI) context by developing knowledge of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) theory and strategies.

Online delivery is available. 

Standalone Course

Intercultural Communication in a Higher Education Context
This self-paced, 12-hour course will introduce you to the concepts of culture and intercultural communication, examine common challenges and provide some effective language use strategies for intercultural contexts.


Mailing Address:
Dalhousie University - English Language Studies Department
Mona Campbell Building, Suite 2201
1459 LeMarchant Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS
B3H 4R2

Phone: (902) 494-7485
Fax: (902) 494-3662
Email: els@dal.ca
Website: dal.ca/els
Facebook: facebook.com/dalhousieuniversityels
Twitter: @DalhousieESL