Bachelor of Technology - Environmental Landscape Horticulture
Please note that new admissions to this program are suspended.
Required Courses & Suggested Schedule
The Bachelor of Technology Environmental Landscape Horticulture is designed to prepare students for a career in the landscape horticulture profession. It will prepare students to work successfully in the diverse landscape industry or to create their own business within the industry. Years one and two of the program are satisfied by the successful completion of the Diploma of Technology - Managed Landscapes or a two year landscape-related program approved by the Department of Environmental Sciences. Students who wish to pursue graduate studies should take RESM 4006.03 and RESM 4007.03.
Year III: Semester V
BIOA 2008.03: Plant Diversity
CHMA 1000.03: General Chemistry I
APSC 3019.03: Communications Technology
ENVA 2000.03: Environmental Studies I
HORT 3000.03: Environmental Processes & Natural Landscape Functions
Year III: Semester VI
ENVA 2001.03: Environmental Studies II
MGTA 1004.03: Introduction to Business
PLSC 3000.03: Theory & Practice of Plant Propagation
six credit hours of electives
Year IV: Semester VII
ENVA 2004.03: Introduction to Integrated Pest Management Techniques
ENVA 3005.03: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
HORT 3001.03: Landscape Project Management
HORT 4000.03: Urban Tree Management
three credit hours of electives
Year IV: Semester VIII
APSC 3015.03: Irrigation & Drainage or three credit hours of electives
HORT 2005.03: Design & Construction of Turf Facilities
HORT 3008.03: Horticultural Therapy
six credit hours of electives
* Students who have not met the Soil Science requirements of the Diploma of Technology - Managed Landscapes will be required to take SOIL 2000.03.