Major/Honours Conversion
Upgrading of BA or BSc (90 credit hour) to a BA or BSc Major (120 credit hour)
A person who holds a Dalhousie BA or BSc (90 credit hour) degree may apply through the Registrar’s Office for admission to a major program. On completion of the required work with proper standing, a conversion parchment will be awarded which has the effect of upgrading the degree to major status.
Upgrading of a BA or BSc (90 or 120 credit hour) to a BA or BSc Honours (120 credit hour)
A person who holds a Dalhousie BA or BSc (90 or 120 credit hour) degree may apply through the Registrar’s Office with the appropriate department advisor(s) approval, to an Honours program. On completion of the required work with proper standing, a parchment will be awarded which has the effect of upgrading the degree to honours status.