Dalhousie Student Union (DSU)
Every Dalhousie student is automatically a member of the Dalhousie Student Union (DSU). The student union is recognized by an Act of the Nova Scotia legislature as the single voice of Dalhousie students. All student activities on campus are organized through the Dalhousie Student Union, and the DSU is the focus of all student representation. The business of the DSU is conducted by a Council made up of approximately 40 members.
One of the most important resources of the DSU is the Student Union Building (SUB) located at 6136 University Avenue between Seymour and LeMarchant Streets. The SUB was opened in 1968 as a centre for student activity on campus. The Student Union Building provides a wide range of services for students including the Student Advocacy Service, The Grawood, Campus Copy, food services, the Society Hub, and much more.
Every student has the opportunity to take advantage of the Union’s financial, physical, and organizational resources whether by coming to events, applying for grants, or getting involved in a committee or campaign. The DSU also oversees almost 400 student societies. All students are invited to satisfy their curiosity by visiting the DSU offices located on the second floor of the SUB and is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Telephone number (902) 494-1106, email info@dsu.ca. Check out the website at www.dsu.ca.
Dalhousie Agriculture Students' Association (DASA)
The Dalhousie Agriculture Students' Association (DASA) is the official organization of students on the Agricultural Campus. In addition to representing the students to the administration, DASA spends much of their time organizing events, clubs, groups and committees to improve student life on the Agricultural Campus. They are also responsible for publications such as the Golden Ram (student newspaper), yearbook and student agendas. The Students' Association can be found in Room 32 of the Cox Institute.
All members of the Dalhousie Agriculture Students' Association are automatically also members of the Dalhousie Student Union. Visit www.dsu.ca to learn more about the DSU.