16. Assessment
16.1 Method
Examinations may be oral, written (closed or open book) under supervision, or take-home.
Students will be provided with a course outline by the instructor at the first meeting of the course. In order to complete a course satisfactorily, a student must fulfill all the requirements as set down in the course outline. Changes to the outline which affect assessment components, the weight of individual assessment components, or examination requirements with a value of 10 percent or more must have the approval of at least two-thirds of enrolled students in order to be valid.
When collaboration is included as part of course expectations as in group projects or group assignments, the instructor will provide in the course outline, a statement of the degree of collaboration permitted in the preparation and submission of assignments.
Within four weeks after the beginning of each term, course outlines will be placed on file with the appropriate faculty/school/college.
Students should be aware that certain courses at the University involve required laboratory work where potentially hazardous materials are in use. These may include animals, other biological materials which may include crops and products, tissues, fluids, wastes, but also microorganisms and toxins as well as a wide variety of chemicals. Examples of physical hazards may include noise, radioactive isotopes and non-ionizing radiation (e.g. lasers). Since there are potential health risks associated with the improper handling of such materials resulting in exposure, Dalhousie University requires that, as a condition of taking a course where such materials are to be used, students must read and agree to comply with the instructions for safe handling of such materials. In the event that students do not comply with the instructions for the safe handling of such materials, students will receive no credit for the required laboratory work unless other acceptable alternatives are arranged with the instructor. In many cases, alternate arrangements are not possible and students should consider enrolling in a different course.
16.1.1 Academic Accommodation for Students with Learning Disabilities
See Accommodation Policy.
16.2 Examinations and Tests
Tests are normally scheduled during course time. Tests scheduled outside course time should not conflict with the regularly scheduled courses. Dates and times must be included in the course syllabus.
Periods of approximately three weeks in the spring and one and one-half weeks in December are set aside for the scheduling of formal written examinations by the Registrar. Instructors wishing to have examinations scheduled by the Registrar for their courses must so inform the Registrar at the beginning of the first week of courses in the fall and winter terms. Instructors may also arrange their own examinations at times and places of their choosing during the formal examination periods, with the understanding that in cases of conflict of examinations for an individual student, the Registrar’s examination schedule takes priority.
16.2.1 College of Arts and Sciences, Faculties of Agriculture, Architecture and Planning, Computer Science, Engineering, Health and Management
No written tests or examinations, with the exception of project presentations and major papers, worth more than 25% of the final grade, may be held in the last two weeks of a term, without the explicit approval of the appropriate faculty, school or college. No tests may be held between the end of courses and the beginning of the official examination period with the exception of those activity modules and laboratory courses in the Faculty of Health in which special facilities are required.
Students may contact the dean’s/director’s office of the appropriate faculty/school/college for assistance if they are scheduled for more than two examinations on the same day.
16.3 Submission of Grades
The date for the submission of Grades is set annually by the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee in conjunction with the Dalhousie Academic Dates for that year and will normally be between seven and ten calendar days from the final day of the exam period. The date will be based on three principles:
- Transparency and timeliness for Students, to allow for informed Course planning, and registration in future terms before the term starts;
- Appropriate time for Instructors, to enable the effective and appropriate grading of examinations and term assignments; and,
- Adequate time to provide necessary services to Students to enable timely academic standing assessments, advising, and convocation approvals.
The final possible date for the submission of Grades will be published along with the Dalhousie Academic Dates for each academic year.
For further details, particularly for the responsibilty of course instructors, refer to the Grading Practices Policy.
16.4 Incomplete
Students are expected to complete course work by the prescribed deadlines. Only in special circumstances (e.g. the death of a close relative) may an instructor extend such deadlines. Incomplete work in a course must be completed by:
Fall term courses.............................................................. Feb 1
Winter and regular session (September - April) courses......... Jun 1
May - June courses........................................................... Aug 1
May - August courses........................................................ Oct 1
July - August courses.........................................................Oct 1
Exceptions to this rule will normally be extended only to courses which require field work during the summer months. At present the list of these courses consists of:
Students taking any of these courses in their final year should note that they will not be able to graduate at the spring convocation.
The Registrar’s Office is not permitted to accept a late clearance of INC or late grade changes other than those due to errors. If there are exceptional circumstances, a recommendation should be forwarded to the undergraduate coordinator or the Committee on Studies of the appropriate faculty/school. Unless INC is changed it counts in the GPA and has a grade point value of 0.00 - it is a failing grade.
16.5 Supplementals
Faculties of Engineering and Health
In courses where supplementals are available, a student must have achieved a grade of “FM” in the course in which the supplemental is to be written.
On re-examination the grade awarded for the course will be recorded on the student’s transcript along with a notation that the grade was earned by supplemental examination. In the Faculty of Health, the highest grade that can be awarded is “C” for professional courses and “D” for other courses. Only the supplemental grade will be included in the grade point average. Supplemental exams will be administered by the participating faculty/school/ college. Students should check directly with their faculty/school/ college for detailed information on the awarding of FM grades and eligibility for supplemental examinations.
Faculty of Management
Students who receive a final grade of Marginal Failure (FM) in a core Bachelor of Commerce Co-op (COMM) course may have the opportunity to write a supplemental exam. The following terms and conditions apply:
- The course must offer a final examination with a value of greater than 25% as part of the normal evaluation process.
- The final grade received for the course must be FM.
- The supplemental exam will be written within four calendar weeks following the original final exam at a time scheduled by the Undergraduate Advising Office.
- The supplemental exam grade replaces only the original final exam grade in the calculation of the overall mark. The highest grade that can be awarded is "D", with a notation that the grade was earned by supplemental examination.
- There is a $25 non-refundable fee per exam.
- Students are permitted to write only one supplementary exam at the 2000 level, one at the 3000 level and one at the 4000 level over the duration of their program. First year (1000 level) courses are not eligible for supplemental exams. In cases where students apply to write a supplemental examination and do not attend the exam as scheduled, the exam grade will be recorded as a zero. There will be no further opportunity to apply to write another supplemental examination at the respective course level.
If you have questions about supplementary exams, please contact the Undergraduate Advising Office (uao@dal.ca).
16.6 Correction of Errors in Recorded Grades
Students must request correction in the calculation or recording of final grades by:
Fall term courses.............................................................. Feb 1
Winter and regular session (September - April) courses......... Jun 1
May - June courses........................................................... Aug 1
May - August courses........................................................ Oct 1
July - August courses........................................................ Oct 1
16.7 Reassessment of a Final Grade
Students who have questions about final grades that are assigned are encouraged to discuss them with the course instructor. In addition, students may consult the chair of the department, director of the school/college, dean of the faculty, an academic advisor or a student advocate. If their concerns cannot be resolved, students may also use the formal process that follows for the re-assessment of final grades, except when such grades are the result of an academic discipline penalty.
Once a final course grade has been submitted to the Registrar, a student who wishes to have a final grade re-assessed should make a written request to the Registrar and pay the requisite fee of $50 per course. The request must identify the specific component which the student wishes re-assessed and the grounds for the request. Such requests must be made by:
Fall term courses ........................................................ |
March 1 |
Winter and regular session (September - April) courses .... |
July 1 |
May - June courses ..................................................... |
September 1 |
May - August courses .................................................. |
November 1 |
July - August courses .................................................. |
November 1 |
Note: Students should be aware that they may not be able to continue in their course of study if they fail a pre-requisite course. To prevent delays in progressing if a student is successful in their appeal, students are encouraged to submit appeals for grade reassessment as soon as possible.
When such a request is received, the Registrar will forward it to the dean of the faculty or director of the school/college offering the course. The re-assessment will be conducted according to procedures developed for the purpose by the faculty/school/college. These should reflect the nature of the academic disciplines and assessment involved, and should provide for a review of the assessment by a qualified person or persons not responsible for the original evaluation.
The student will be notified, by the Registrar’s Office, of the outcome of the re-assessment. If the re-assessment results in the assignment of a grade that is different (higher or lower) from the original one, the new grade will replace the original one and the $50 will be refunded.
Students who wish information about grade re-assessment procedures should contact their faculty/school/college office.
16.8 Special Arrangements for Examinations, Tests and Assignments
At the discretion of the instructor, alternate arrangements for examinations, tests or the completion of assignments may be made for students who are ill, or in other exceptional circumstances.
The Student Absence Regulation of the University Regulations summarizes the documentation and procedures for declaring absences. The Missed or Late Academic Requirements due to Student Absence regulation contains the complete text on declaring absences.
Following the completion of a course, the deadline for changing a grade of ILL is:
Fall term courses.............................................................. Feb 1
Winter and regular session (September - April) courses..........Jun 1
May - June courses........................................................... Aug 1
May - August courses........................................................ Oct 1
July - August courses.........................................................Oct 1
Requests to change grades after these deadlines must be submitted in writing to the appeals committee of the appropriate school, college or faculty.
NOTE: Any student whose request for special arrangements has been denied and wishes to appeal, should refer to Appeals.