20. Academic Dismissal
20.1 Academic Dismissal - Faculties of Agriculture, Architecture and Planning, Arts and Social Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering (Lower Division, Years 1 and 2 and Bachelor of Applied Science), Health, Management and Science
Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 1.70 who have completed at least 24 credit hours at the undergraduate level or 16 credit hours at the technology level will be academically dismissed for a 12 month period. In the Faculty of Engineering, the duration of academic dismissal is 8 months.
Faculty of Architecture and Planning students who have been academically dismissed may apply for readmission. Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies students applying for readmission to the School of Architecture are required to submit a portfolio and further evidence of academic abilities that will be evaluated with the current BEDS admissions. Readmission is not guaranteed. In evaluating applications for readmission to the Bachelor of Community Design program, the School of Planning will consider evidence regarding the preparedness of the student to succeed academically after resuming studies. Students who have been dismissed twice from either program will not be readmitted.
If a BScNursing student is readmitted, failure in any course (including non-nursing courses, core nursing courses including clinical practica and electives) will result in dismissal from the Nursing program.
BSW students who fail SLWK 4033 or who fail a repeated course, will be dismissed.
BHSC student who fail a required course for a second time will be dismissed.
DDM students who fail the same course twice will be dismissed.
BComm (Co-op) students who fail the same required course twice will be dismissed.
BComm (Co-op) students who fail their second attempt at the same work term course (ie. students required to repeat the work component and submit a new academic report) will be dismissed.
BMgmt students who fail the same required course twice will be dismissed.
Students in any undergraduate degree program offered by the Faculty of Computer Science, where the first major is computer science or applied computer science, who receive a grade lower than C in the same required CSCI course twice, will be dismissed.
Students on probation who do not achieve a term GPA of 2.00 or greater will be academically dismissed for a 12 month period (8 months in the Faculty of Engineering).
Students who have been academically dismissed will not be allowed to apply for re-admission for at least 12 months (8 months in the Faculty of Engineering).
Students who have been academically dismissed for the first time and have subsequently been re-admitted after an absence of a 12 month period (8 months in the Faculty of Engineering) may re-register on probation.
Faculty of Arts and Social Science students who have been academically dismissed for the second time will not normally be allowed to apply for re-admission for at least three calendar years. Students may, however, petition the Student Affairs Committee for re-admission after two years provided they have met with the Assistant Dean.
Faculty of Health students who have been academically dismissed twice will not be allowed to apply for re-admission.
Faculty of Engineering students who have been academically dismissed for a second time will not be readmitted to any engineering program at Dalhousie.
Faculty of Computer Science students who have been dismissed and who have been required to withdraw from the university for one term or more may be readmitted to a program in the Faculty of Computer Science only once.
Faculty of Science students who have been required to withdraw for a second time must meet with the Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) who may recommend that they reapply for re-admission after two calendar years or who may refer the matter to the Faculty Committee on Studies and Appeals.
Faculty of Management Students who have been academically dismissed for the second time will not normally be allowed to apply for re-admission for at least three calendar years.
Faculty of Agriculture students who have been academically dismissed for the second time will not normally be allowed to apply for re-admission for at least three calendar years. Students who have been dismissed for either the first or second time may appeal this decision (see section 24 of the academic calendar).
20.2 Faculty of Engineering (Upper Division, Years 3 and 4)
Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 1.70 who have completed at least 24 credit hours will be academically dismissed for an eight month period.
Students on probation who do not achieve a term GPA of 2.00 or greater will be academically dismissed for an eight month period.
Students who have been academically dismissed will not be allowed to apply for readmission for at least eight months.
Students who have been academically dismissed for the first time and have subsequently been re-admitted after an absence of an eight month period, may re-register on probation.
Students who have been academically dismissed for a second time will not be readmitted to any engineering program at Dalhousie.
20.3 Faculty of Health - Suspension or Dismissal from a Program on the Grounds of Professional Unsuitability
See University Regulations.