BA (120 credit hour) Double Major in Political Science

Departmental Requirements

1000 level
  • minimum of six and a maximum of nine credit hours at the 1000 level in Political Science or the Foundation Year Program (with a final grade of B-or higher)

A writing course or King’s Foundation Year Program

2000 level
  • Students must complete 6 credit hours in two different core course areas, for a total of 12 credit hours. The core course areas are as follows:
3000 level
  • 18 credit hours at or above the 3000 level in Political Science. Note: three credit hours must be either POLI 3492.03 (or an equivalent quantitative methods course approved by the Department) or POLI 3493.03.
4000 level
  • 3 credit hours at the 4000 level (excludes POLI 4390.03).

3 additional credit hours in Political Science above 1000 level.