BA Required Courses and Electives
NOTE: Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the Program website at for a list of currently offered courses. In the case of a discrepancy, the information on the timetable will be considered true.
Required courses (majors and honours)
- LAWS 2510.03: Introduction to Law I
- LAWS 2520.03: Introduction to Law II
- HIST 3226.03: Law and Justice in Canada to 1890 OR
HIST 3227.03: Criminal Law, Crime and Punishment in Canadian Society, 1890-present
- PHIL 2020.03: Legal Thinking
- POLI 3505.03: Human Rights: Foundations
- LJSO 3000.03: Processes of Justice
- LJSO 3500.03: Legal Research and Writing [for Honours and Combined Honours only]
- LJSO 0400.00 and LJSO 4000.03: Honours Seminar in LJSO [for Honours and Combined Honours with LJSO as the Primary Subject only]
List of Approved Elective Courses
- CLAS 2365.03:Plato and the Case of Socrates: Philosophy on Trial
- CLAS 3434.03/PHIL 3434.03/POLI 3434.03: The Ancient Origins of Political Thought: From Homer to Aristotle
- COMM 2603.03: Legal Aspects of Business (*Distance*)
- CTMP 2203.03/HSTC 2206.03: Bio-Politics: Human Nature in Contemporary Thought
- CTMP 3121.03: Genocide: Contemp. Perspectives
- CTMP 3204.03: Human Experiments
- CTMP 3321.03: Representations of the Holocaust: Bearing Witness
- CTMP 4125.03: Hannah Arendt: Terror, Politics, Thought
- ECON 2212.03: Law and Economics
- ECON 4360.03/PHIL 4361.03: Ethics, Justice, and Economics
- EMSP 2480.03/HIST 2750.03: The Pirate and Piracy
- EMSP 3430.03/CTMP 3170.03: Theories of Punishment: Retribution and Social Control in Early Modern Thought
- ENGL 2237.03: Outlaw Tales
- ENGL 4880.03: Prison Literature
- ENVS 3200.03: Introduction to Environmental Law
- HIST 2006.03: The Atlantic World, 1450-1650
- HIST 2007.03: The Atlantic World, 1650-1800
- HIST 2135.03: The Rule of Law? Topics in British Legal History (Pre-1900)
- HIST 2714.03: Slavery and Slaving in Global History
- HIST 2715.03: Locked Up: A Global History of Incarceration
- HIST 3053.06: Fascist and National Socialist Movements in Europe
- HIST 3056.03: The Holocaust
- HIST 3101.03: Punishment, Crime and the Courts in Early Modern England
- HIST 3226.03: Law and Justice in Canada to 1890 (if not taken as required course)
- HIST 3227.03: Criminal Law, Crime and Punishment in Canadian Society, 1890-present (if not taken as required course)
- HIST 3600.03: History of Law & Justice
- HIST 4401.03: State Violence, Communal Conflict and Criminality in Modern South Africa
- HIST 4404.03: Crime and Punishment In Modern Africa
- INDG 4001.03: Treaty in Contemporary Society
- JOUR 3339.03: Ethics and Law for Journalists
- LJSO 3000.03: Processes of Justice (if not taken as required course)
- LJSO 3100.03: Current Issues in Criminal Justice
- LJSO 3200.03: Topics in Law and Society
- LJSO 3500.03: Legal Research and Writing (if not taken as required course)
- LJSO 3600.03: Critical Legal Studies
- LJSO 4300.03: Ethics, Law & Society
- MGMT 2200.03: Fundamentals of the Legal Environment of Management
- MGMT 2805.03: Indigenous Governance
- MGMT 4205.03: Law and Policy for Resource and Environmental Law (Discontinued Course)
- PHIL 2020.03: Legal Thinking (if not taken as required course)
- PHIL 2450.03: Democracy, Difference, Citizenship
- PHIL 2475.03: Justice in Global Perspective
- PHIL 2490.03 / CSCI 3101.03: Social, Ethical and Professional Issues in Comp. Sci.
- PHIL 3106.03: Animal Ethics
- PHIL 3211.03: Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 3476.03 / POLI 3476.03: Liberalism and Global Justice
- POLI 2210.03: Unity and Diversity
- POLI 2215.03: Canadian Aboriginal Politics
- POLI 2220.03: Structures of Canadian Parliamentary Government
- POLI 2230.03: Municipal Law and City Politics in Canada
- POLI 2520.03: World Politics
- POLI 3206.03: Constitutional Law and Politics in Canada
- POLI 3207.03: Charter Politics
- POLI 3208.03: Canadian Provincial Politics
- POLI 3378.03: American Politics Polarization & Crisis
- POLI 3385.03: Politics of the Environment
- POLI 3401.03: Contemporary Political Thought
- POLI 3426.03/GWST 3426.03: Sex, Race, and the State
- POLI 3446.03: Politics of Crime
- POLI 3505.03: Human Rights: Foundations
- POLI 3510.03: Politics of Pandemics
- POLI 3531.03: The UN in World Politics
- POLI 3532.03: Model UN
- POLI 3581.03: Diplomacy and Negotiations
- POLI 4240.03/PUAD 5120.03: Policy Formulation in Canada
- POLI 4303.03: Human Rights: Political Issues
- POLI 4390.03/GWST 4390.03: Practicum in Public Policy: NGOs & Government Services
- POLI 4403.03: Human Rights: Philosophical Issues
- POLI 4450.03: Political Theories of International Ethics and Global Justice
- POLI 4481.03: Theories of Violence, Persecution and Genocide
- POLI 4505.03: Human Rights: Legal Issues
- POLI 4532.03: Indigenous Global Politics
- PSYO 2444.03: Forensic Psychology
- PSYO 3444.03: Criminal Behaviour
- SOSA 2181.03: Explaining Crime and Criminal Behaviour
- SOSA 2182.03: Exploring Crime and Criminal Behaviour
- SOSA 3148.03: Drugs, Health and Society
- SOSA 3185.03: Owning and Belonging: De-colonial Issues in Indigenous / Settler Knowledges, Rights and Authority
- SOSA 3190.03: Social Movements
- SOSA 3225.03: Culture, Rights, and Power
- SOSA 3260.03: Deviance
- SOSA 3275.03: Crime and Public Policy
- SOSA 3281.03: Youth Crime
- SOSA 3283.03: Globalized Security and Justice (Discontinued Course)
- SOSA 3285.03: Sociology of Law
- SOSA 3291.03: Corrections
- SOSA 3295.03: Society and Police
- SOSA 4005.03: Issues in Social Justice and Inequality
- SUST 4125.03: Conflict Negotiation and Sustainability