All students are required to observe the University Regulations and Academic Regulations as described in this calendar.
The normal workload is 30 credit hours per year during the regular academic session (September - April). In addition, a 6 to 8 week clinical practicum worth three credit hours takes place in May - August following Years 1, 2, and 3 of the BHSc program:
Fall Term 15 credit hours
Winter Term 15 credit hours
Spring/Summer Term (May-August) 3 credit hours
Normally, only a full-time course of studies (30 credit hours during the regular academic year and a three credit-hour practicum in the May-August time period) can be taken in the first three years of the four-year entry-level program. Interruption of studies will only be granted for leave of absence or voluntary withdrawal. The fourth year can be pursued on a part-time basis, subject to Academic Regulation 15.2, which regulates duration of undergraduate studies.
It is the responsibility of each individual student to ensure they are enrolled in the courses required to complete the BHSc program of study. Therefore students are expected to meet with their academic advisors to seek counselling in this regard, to ensure that course selections and course load are appropriate, and will not cause difficulties later on in the program.
The BHSc post-diploma program is available on a part time basis.
Permission to carry more than a normal workload
A workload exceeding these credit hours in any given term will be considered an Overload.
- Students who wish to take on an overload must have the approval from the School of Health Sciences Academic Regulations Officer. Any student applying for an increased workload (overload) must apply at least four weeks in advance of the start of the semester or year in question.
- In their request, students should include their reasons for seeking an overload and include supporting arguments and evidence, such as their academic record and any other relevant considerations.
- Applications from students who give good reasons for wishing to take an overload will be considered. Such permission will not normally be granted to any student in the first year of study, or to any student who, in the preceding academic term, obtained a grade point average of less than 3.00.
- During Clinical Practicum and/or Clinical Education Courses no additional courses will be permitted without prior approval from the Academic Regulations Officer.
- Such requests require student completion of a Waiver of Academic Regulation Application, available from your academic advisor, or the Registrar’s Office.
- Students who exceed the normal workload per academic term without the Academic Regulations Officer’s approval, will be required to withdraw from the course.
Attendance at Courses
Regular and punctual attendance at courses is required; students are expected to notify instructors if they are going to miss a course component. When the work of a student becomes unsatisfactory or attendance is irregular, the student may be required to withdraw from the school.
Grade Requirements
A student must receive a grade of C+ in each course with a course number in the School of Health Sciences (HSCE, DMUT, MDLT, MRIT, NUMT, RADT, RSPT) in order for that course:
- to be counted as a credit towards the Bachelor of Health Science or Diploma in Health Science
- to be considered as a prerequisite for another course
Since most professional courses are prerequisites for more advanced courses and for clinical practica, the student’s academic progress will be severely impacted by a failure. Students must seek academic advice.
Any student failing a required course for the second time must withdraw from the School of Health Sciences. Such a failure will be deemed an academic dismissal. See Regulation 20.2 for information on applying for readmission following an academic dismissal.
Students are reminded of Academic Regulations 18, 19.2 and 20.2 governing good standing, probation and academic dismissal.
Grade Point Average
A description of the grade point average (GPA) is found in Regulation 17.1.1 in the Dalhousie Undergraduate Calendar. The grade scale and definitions are found in Regulation 17.1.
Grading of Clinical Courses
Clinical education and specialty practice courses are graded on a letter grade basis.
Students who have been removed from any course due to unsafe or unsatisfactory clinical performance will receive a failing (F) grade.
Supplemental Exams
In courses with a course number in the School of Health Sciences, supplemental privileges may be granted only at the discretion of the course professor to a student with a final grade of FM (Regulation 16.5, Dalhousie Undergraduate Calendar). Each course outline will state the conditions that must be met in order to be eligible. The supplemental may be practical, written or combined practical/written exam at the discretion of the professor. Students who receive a grade of F are ineligible for supplemental privileges and will be required to repeat the course.
The date and time of the supplemental exam will be negotiated between the student and course professor within the following guidelines: For Fall Term courses, the supplemental exam must be completed before the end of the first week of classes of the Winter Term. For Winter Term courses, the supplemental exam must be passed before the student can begin their clinical placement. In no case will a clinical placement be delayed for more than two weeks.
No more than two supplemental exams for courses with course numbers in the School of Health Sciences will be allowed in one year. Only one supplemental exam is allowed per course.
Voluntary Withdrawal
Students who voluntarily withdraw from the School of Health Sciences, having satisfactorily completed courses toward the BHSc (specific discipline) degree, with the intention of returning at a later date are advised that re-acceptance is contingent upon there being an available place.
Leave of Absence
- Students who apply for a leave of absence (LOA) from their program of study must do so in writing to the School of Health Sciences Academic Regulations Officer. If possible, such applications should be made in advance of the term or year for which a LOA is being requested.
- A request for Leave of Absence may be for a duration of one term to a maximum of one year in length. Students are eligible for a maximum of one such leave for the duration of their program.
- Following approval of the application for LOA, the Academic Regulations Officer will notify the following individuals:
a) The student;
b) Dalhousie University Registrar’s Office;
c) Students Services office at the School; and
d) Student’s academic advisor
- Students may apply to return to the program prior to the designated end of the LOA. At the time students return to the program, the LOA is considered ended.
- At least two to three months prior to returning to the program, students granted LOA will inform the following, in writing, of their intent to resume their studies:
a) Academic Regulations Officer; and
b) Student’s academic advisor
Students should also initiate discussion with his/her academic advisor to discuss plans for resumption of courses and required remedial action plan.
- The Academic Regulations Officer will notify the Dalhousie Registrar’s Office and the Student Services office at the School of the student’s planned return date to the program.
- It is important to note that for the duration of a leave of absence, the clock stops on the six year rule for discipline-specific courses, and the 10 year rule for all other courses.
- No academic credit will be granted towards BHSc course requirements for work completed at another institution during a LOA.
- If a leave of absence is granted, students must ensure they formally withdraw from courses in accordance with Dalhousie University regulations.
- Students on approved leave of absence will be considered in abeyance from regular academic programming, and therefore not a student at Dalhousie University, until such time that they reactivate their student status through the Registrar's Office.
Policy on Students at Risk
The School of Health Sciences is committed to providing students every opportunity for success in their program. Although the responsibility lies with the student, processes are in place at the School to identify, and assist students at academic risk.
The School of Health Sciences Students at Risk Policy aims to identify students at risk and recommend a course of academic and/or clinical remediation to ensure students are provided the opportunity to achieve academic and clinical success.
Re-Admission of Academically Dismissed Students Policy
The primary goal of the School of Health Sciences and Dalhousie University is to ensure students are successful in their chosen profession while maintaining integrity of the program. Academic Regulation Section 20.1.3 allows for students who have been academically dismissed to apply for readmission to the University. Decisions on readmission to a program in the School of Health Sciences are made in consultation with the individual stream, clinical coordinator, and the Admissions Committee and will include, but not be limited to, consideration of availability of clinical placements.
Students who wish to appeal a decision based on school or university regulations should consult the Program Officer or their Advisor concerning the correct procedure. Contact the School main office for complete terms of reference for the Faculty of Health Student Appeals Committee and the application regarding academic appeals.
Clinical Education Components of Health Sciences
Health Sciences education encompasses a broad spectrum of learning experiences that together prepare caring, competent and ethical practitioners able to function in a rapidly changing health care environment. The BHSc program is delivered through an integrated curriculum and students receive clinical education logically sequenced within core, interdisciplinary, discipline-specific, and clinical education courses and clinical practica. Clinical education components enable students to integrate theory with practice, master clinical competencies, develop critical reasoning skills and demonstrate professional behavior in a variety of settings with a diversity of patients.
Successful completion of all clinical components of the program is mandatory. Clinical practica and clinical education courses are required courses in the program of study and it is not possible to exercise the diploma exit option or to receive a BHSc degree without successfully completing these courses. In addition, each of the clinical experiences is a prerequisite for further progress in the program. Course outlines provide specific information about criteria for successful completion and opportunities for remediation.
In preparation for clinical practicum, all students must participate in a workshop dedicated to professional behavior. The specific date is available from the School of Health Sciences.
Three elements of clinical education are:
Clinical Practicum
The program includes three clinical practica scheduled during the May - August time period following Years 1, 2, and 3. The Clinical Practicum is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes necessary to function as competent entry-level practitioners within a variety of settings and with a broad range of patients. Students are assigned to various clinical sites, based on their level within the program, the expected learning outcomes of their professional stream, and the availability of appropriate sites.
Clinical placements will be arranged by the Clinical Coordinator for the School of Health Sciences. Students may be assigned to clinical sites located within the Halifax region, throughout the Atlantic provinces, and in various sites across Canada. All expenses related to clinical placement are the responsibility of the student. Students are scheduled in a clinical setting for 6-to-8 consecutive weeks, and are supervised by preceptors. The normal student/preceptor ratio is one-to-one. Evaluation may include, but is not limited to, assessment of skills competencies, demonstration of professional behaviors, and application of theory to practice. Students monitor their personal and professional growth through introspection and reflection by maintaining journals, recording experiences in skills log books, successfully passing examinations or presenting case studies.
Clinical Education Courses
These courses provide students with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a specific area of clinical practice. Scheduling requires full-time rotations in the clinical setting and, depending on the area, may require shift work and/or off-site rotation. Students may be required to travel to a site outside Halifax in order to meet their clinical learning objectives. Preceptors supervise and guide students through this period of study and skills practice. Faculty continue to support students by facilitating seminars/tutorials, conducting assessments, providing constructive feedback and structuring learning experiences to further develop critical reasoning skills. Medical specialists and practitioners may be invited to share their expertise with students. There may be interprofessional learning experiences designed to enhance students’ understanding of the team approach to health care. Evaluation methods may include, but are not limited to, a written examination to assess knowledge of subject matter, and practical assessments to confirm that clinical skills and professional behavior are readily applied at the expected level of performance. Clinical Education Courses are taken in Year 3 at all programs. In addition, Clinical Education Courses are a required part of the Year 4 curriculum for students in Nuclear Medicine Technology and Radiological Technology.
Specialty Practice Courses
Specialty practice affords students the opportunity to attain additional competence and knowledge in a specialty practice area. There are three components to specialty practice: clinical, contextual and theoretical. This course can be six or twelve credit hours depending on the nature of the specialty practice. Specialty practice is arranged through consultation with the discipline specific program/post diploma advisor.
Interprofessional Health Education
Students are required to maintain enrolment in IPHE 4900 (see calendar section on Health Professions, Interprofessional Health Education) for the duration of their studies. Please register in IPHE 4900.00 section 3. Successful completion of this course is a requirement for graduation and will be recognized further with the awarding of a special Certificate in Interprofessional Collaboration to be presented by the Faculty of Health Professions. Students are asked to consult with their individual school/college to determine the specific guidelines and expectations regarding the required portfolio.