

Anderson, D. R., MD, FRCPC, FACP

Head of Department

Cowley, E.A., PhD

Undergraduate Student Advisor

Krueger, S., PhD (Zurich)


Chappe, V., BSc (Univ Aix-Marseille), MSc, PhD (Université de Provence-Marseille, France). Structure, function, recycling and regulation of the CFTR chloride channels; Cystic Fibrosis causing mutations; second messengers; protein kineases; protein interations; receptors and signalling pathways.
Chauhan, B., PhD (Wales), major appointment Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. Experimental models of optic nerve and retinal damage, visual function in health and disease, structural and functional assessment of glaucoma, risk factors for the progression of glaucoma
Cowley, E. A., BSc (London), PhD (Leicester). Oxidative stress in lung disease. Role of K+ channels in transepithelial secretion
Fine, A., AB (Harvard), VMD, PhD (Penn). Neural plasticity; learning and memory, development and regeneration; optical monitoring of neural activity and plasticity; neural transplantation
French, A. S., MSc, PhD (Essex). Sensory transduction and adaptation; epithelial ion transport; ion channel biophysics
Lehmann, C., MD, PhD (Humboldt-Univ, Germany), FRCDC (Dalhousie), major appointment with Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine
Linsdell, P., BSc (London), PhD (Leicester). Ion channel biophysics; chloride channel structure and function; epithelial transport; cystic fibrosis
Sapp, J.L., BSc (Toronto), BSc Med, MD (Dalhousie), FRCP(C), major appointment with Department of Medicine. Ventricular tachycardia investigation and management. Intramyocardial needle ablation for treatment-refractory ventricular tachycardia; the role of catheter ablation for ischemic ventricular tachycardia; body surface mapping to derive an inverse solution and quantify its accuracy and the improvement of rapid mapping of ventricular tachycardia
Torkkeli, P. H., BSc, MSc, LcSc (Oulu), PhD (Alta). Mechanosensitive, voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels in mechanosensory neurons, central control of mechanosensation

Associate Professors

Anini, Y., PhD (Paris, France), Prohormones processing. Role of new enteric peptides and adipokines in the regulation of pancreatic secretions and adipogenesis. Hormonal regulation of energy homeostasis. Type 2 diabetes. Obesity
Dong, X., PhD (Univ Sci Tech, China). Lysosome physiology and lysosome-related diseases; lysosomal ion channels and transporters in calcium signaling, membrane trafficking, autophagy, lysosomal storage diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancers
El Hiani, Y., BSc (Ibn Zohr, Morocco), MSc, PhD (UPJV, Amiens-France). Oxidative stress in breast cancer and opportunities for pharmacological intervention. Membrane electrophysiology, ion channel biophysics and structure function; transient receptor potential channels, calcium channels; calcium influx; calcium signaling)
Krueger, S., PhD (Zurich). Synaptic physiology; development and plasticity of synapses in the central nervous system; regulation of neurotransmitter release
Lomniczi, A., BSc, PhD (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Neuroendocrine control of reproductive development and menopause, molecular determinants of dementia, epigenetic mechanisms of gene expression.
Quinn, T. A., PhD (Columbia University, NY). Cardiovascular disease, with an emphasis on changes in cardiac mechanics, electrophysiology, and mechano-electric interactions leading to cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure; Cardiac regulation, with an emphasis on intrinsic autoregulatory mechanisms, including stretch and the intracardiac nervous system; Fluorescence-, optogenetic-, and computational modelling-based structure-function studies using whole animals to isolated cells. Primary appointment in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Siddiq, F., BSc (Dalhousie), MD (University of Toronto, TO, Canada), major appointment with Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Prevention of Diabetes complications; quality improvement initiatives in diabetes care.
Wells, S., PhD (Toronto), major appointment in the School of Biomedical Engineering. Structural-mechanical relations in biopolymers such as elastin and collagen in order to determine the underlying mechanism(s) of elasticity of these materials-and thereby to understand the functioning of the arteries, ligaments, skin etc. which they make up. Structural remodeling of these structures during development and maturation from fetal to adult life

Assistant Professor

Chaudhary, K.R., BPharm (HNGU, Gujarat, India), PhD (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada). Study of sex differences in right ventricular angiogenesis, right ventricular function, and pathophysiology of right (-sided) heart failure. Identification and characterization of cardiac vascular stem cells and their role in right ventricular adaptation to physiological and pathological stress.
Agosto, M. A., BS (M.I.T.), PhD (Harvard). Neurobiology of the retina; synaptic trafficking; synaptic protein interactions

Adjunct Professors

Höger, Ulli., MSc, PhD (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Univ, Germany)
Luhovyy, B.,
 MS, BSc, PhD (Lviv Ivan Franko National Univ, Ukraine)

Senior Instructor

Beaudoin, M.-S., BSc (McGill), MSc, PhD (Guelph)


Slysz, J., BSc and MSc (University of PEI), PhD (University of Guelph)