BSc or BA (120 credit hour) Combined Honours in Environmental Science and another subject

Students who wish to study Environmental Science in conjunction with another subject may wish to pursue a Combined Honours degree program. The other subject may be any discipline from the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Computer Science, or the College of Sustainability. Environmental Science may be the primary subject (defined as the subject with the larger number of honours credits), or the secondary subject.

Students planning to enroll in a Combined Honours program should consult with academic advisors from both programs early in their studies. The same standards and conditions for admission apply as for entry into a Concentrated Honours program (see above). In addition, students must have their program of study approved by Academic Advisors in both subject areas. Students must complete an Honours Qualifying Examination in one of the two subject areas, a requirement normally completed in the primary subject area. For Environmental Science, this requirement is satisfied through ENVS 4901.03 and ENVS 4902.03.

A Co-op option is available for students enrolled in BSc Combined Honours with Environmental Science as the primary subject. See Co-operative Education Program.

Program Requirements

In addition to fulfilling the requirements outlined in the Academic Regulations and College of Arts and Science Degree Requirements, students in a BSc or BA Combined Honours program in Environmental Science and another subject must complete the following (BSc requirements are listed first followed by those for a BA):

BSc Combined Honours in Environmental Science and another subject

ENVS as primary or secondary subject

1000 Level (to be taken in first year, if possible)


  • MATH 1000.03: Differential and Integral Calculus I or MATH 1215.03: Life Sciences Calculus
  • STAT 1060.03: Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences
  • CHEM 1011.03: Concepts in Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity
  • CHEM 1012.03: Concepts in Chemistry: Energy and Equilibrium
  • ENVS 1100.03: Foundations of Environmental Science: Ecosphere, Resources and Sustainability (grade of B- or higher)
  • ENVS 1200.03: Current Environmental Challenges: Analysis and Solutions (grade of B- or higher)

Students are encouraged to take three credit hours of their Language and Humanities requirement and/or their writing requirement in their first year.

Also required but normally taken in the second year:

  • ECON 1101.03: Principles of Microeconomics or ECON 1102.03: Principles of Macroeconomics
Common Core Courses as listed for BSc Concentrated Honours except:
  • ENVS 2310.03: Energy and the Environment not required
  • Choice of ENVS 2000.03: Urban Field School or or ENVS 2500.03 Field Methods in Environmental Science or ENVS 3001.03: Environmental Science Field School

If ENVS is the primary subject: a minimum of six additional credit hours of ENVS or ENVS-equivalent courses, which may be ENVS 4901.03/ENVS 4902.03 (Honours Thesis and Qualifying Exam).

BA Combined Honours in Environmental Science and another subject

Requirements are the same for ENVS as primary or secondary subject.  Students must complete the following:

1000 Level
  • ENVS 1100.03: Foundations of Environmental Science: Ecosphere, Resources and Sustainability (grade of B- or higher)
  • ENVS 1200.03: Current Environmental Challenges: Analysis and Solutions (grade of B- or higher)
  • Six credit hours in a single first-year science subject chosen from BIOL, CHEM, PHYC, ERTH, ECON
  • STAT 1060.03: Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences
2000 Level
  • ENVS 2000.03: Urban Field School or ENVS 2500.03: Field Methods in Environmental Science
  • ENVS 2100.03: Environmental Informatics
  • Six credit hours chosen from:
    • BIOL 2003.03: Diversity of Life
    • BIOL 2004.03: Diversity of Life II
    • BIOL 2060.03: Introductory Ecology
    • GEOG 2800.03: Climate Change
    • CHEM 2505.03
    • OCEA 2000.06: The Blue Planet
    • ECON 2216.03: Economics of Global Warming
    • ERTH 2410.03: Environmental Issues in Earth Sciences
    • ENVS 2310.03: Energy and the Environment
    • PHIL 2480.03: Environmental Ethics
3000 and 4000 Level
  • ENVS 3200.03: Introduction to Environmental Law
  • ENVS 3501.03: Environmental Problem Solving I
  • ENVS 3502.03: Environmental Problem Solving II
  • ENVS 4001.03: Environmental Impact Assessment
  • At least six additional credit hours from:

If ENVS is the primary subject, a minimum of six additional credit hours of ENVS or ENVS equivalent courses, which may be ENVS 4901.03, ENVS 4902.03 (Honours Thesis and Qualifying Exam).