BSc (120 credit hour) Concentrated Honours in Ocean Sciences
Students who want a challenging program that results in a broad and in-depth background in Ocean Sciences, and includes an independent research experience, may want to enroll in an Honours program. Students interested in eventually pursuing graduate studies are particularly encouraged to consider Honours. Honours students complete a minimum of 54 credit hours above the 1000 level in Ocean Sciences with a minimum GPA of 3.3 and write a research-based Honours thesis. The Honours Qualifying Examination requirement is satisfied through completion of OCEA 4201.03 and OCEA 4202.03.
Admission to Honours
Students considering Honours should consult with an Ocean Sciences Honours Advisor early in their studies.
Departmental Requirements
In addition to fulfilling the requirements outline in the Academic Regulations and College of Arts and Science Degree Requirements, students in a Concentrated Honours program in Ocean Sciences must complete the following courses:
1000 level
- PHYC 1190.03 and PHYC 1290.03: Introduction to Physics or PHYC 1310.03 and PHYC 1320.03: Physics In and Around You
- MATH 1000.03: Differential and Integral Calculus I and MATH 1010.03: Differential and Integral Calculus II
- STATS 1060.03: Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences or STATS.03 2060.03: Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Any two of the following three introductory course sequences: BIOL 1010.03/BIOL 1011.03: Principles of Biology, CHEM 1011.03: Concepts in Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity/CHEM 1012.03: Concepts in Chemistry: Energy and Equilibrium, ERTH 1080.03: Geology I/ERTH 1090.03: Geology II
OR Integrated Science Program (see overall Degree Programs description for Ocean Sciences)
A "B+" average (3.3) must be attained in the following 2000, 3000, and 4000 level courses.
2000 level
- OCEA 2001.03 and OCEA 2002.03: The Blue Planet (minimum grade of "B")
- OCEA 2020.03: Tools and Concepts in Ocean Sciences I and OCEA 2021.03: Tools and Concepts in Ocean Sciences II (minimum grade of "B")
3000 and 4000 level