Co-op, Minors, Certificates and Engineering Concurrent Programs for Students
Minors available to students in Mathematics
Minor programs allow students to develop subject specialties in addition to their Major or Honours subjects. Minors in other subjects are normally added to 120 credit hour BSc or BA programs (including Science Co-op).
Students in a BSc (120 credit hour) program in Mathematics may choose to include a Minor selected from the list of approved Minors. Courses counted toward a Major or Honours subject cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of a Minor program.
In combination with a BSc in Mathematics, students may obtain one or more Certificates. A Certificate indicates that a student has achieved a certain level of proficiency in a given area or subspecialty. Courses counted toward a Major, Honours or Minor subject may also be used to fulfill the requirements of a Certificate. Students must apply to the Certificate Coordinator to be considered for a Certificate. Certificates are awarded upon graduation and are noted on the student’s academic transcript.
A complete list of Faculty of Science Certificates and requirements can be found at the beginning of the Faculty of Science section. Students may also work toward obtaining Certificates offered by other Faculties; some of these are listed in the College of Arts and Science Degree Requirements section of the calendar.
Certificates of particular interest to students enrolled in a BSc in Mathematics include:
BSc/BEng Concurrent Program
BEng/BSc (90 credit hour) concurrent degree (Mathematics)
This degree combines an engineering degree with a deeper knowledge of mathematics, and provides a strong foundation for students interested in areas such as robotics, telecommunications, systems analysis and modelling. Following is the recommended sequence of courses for students wishing to obtain a concurrent BEng and BSc (90 credit hour) degree with Minor in Mathematics. Interested students must consult with the Assistant Dean, Faculty of Science, and the Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering prior to enrolling in a concurrent BEng/BSc degree.
It is recommended that students also discuss their selection of courses with an undergraduate advisor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. A concurrent BEng/BSc Honours Mathematics program can be designed for interested candidates.
Registered in BEng
Year 1
CHEM 1021 Chemistry I
MATH 1280 Engineering Math I
ENGI 1103 Engineering Design I
PHYC 1190 Physic I
ENGM 1081 Computer Programming
CPST 1103 Technical Communications I
CHEM 1022 Chemistry II
MATH 1290 Engineering Math II
ENGI 1203 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics
PHYC 1290 Physics II
ENGM 1041 Applied Linear Algebra
CPST 1203 Technical Communications II
Apply for admission into concurrent BEng/BSc
Year 2 a
ENGM 2101 Applied Vector Calculus
ENGM 2032 Applied Probability & Statistics
b Writing course (Humanities)
Two 2000 level (or higher) MATH courses
(may not be MATH 2001 or MATH 2120)
One social science course c
ENGM 2022 Applied Differential Equations
HSTC 1801 History of Engineering II
d One Engineering elective
Two 2000 level (or higher) MATH courses
(may not be MATH 2001 or MATH 2120)
One social science or humanities course c
Year 3 a
IENG 2005 Engineering economics
ECED 2000 Electric circuits
ENGI 2102 Thermo-Fluid Engineering I
One 3000 level (or higher) MATH e course
(may not be MATH 2001 or MATH 2120)
One Science/FASS course (may be MATH)
ENGI 2203 Engineering design II
c Two Engineering electives
One 3000 level (or higher) MATH e course
(may not be MATH 2001 or MATH 2120)
One Science/FASS course (may be MATH)
Graduate with Diploma in Engineering and BSc 90 credit degree
Year 4
Continue in BEng program
Year 5
Complete BEng program
a To meet the BSc 90 credit hour Minor in Mathematics requirements, students complete 30 credit hours in addition to their Engineering requirements: 12 credit hours of MATH courses at or above the 2000 level, as specified above, 6 MATH credit hours at or above the 3000 level, 6 credit hours of social science/humanities courses, and 6 credit hours in Science/FASS courses (which may be MATH)
b Writing requirement: choose from eligible writing courses in CLAS, ENGL, GERM, HIST, PERF, PHIL, RELS, or RUSN to fulfill writing and humanities requirements [College of Arts and Science]
c Choose from CANA, CTMP, ECON, EMSP, EURO, GWST, HIST, HSTC, INTD, POLI, PSYO, SOSA, SUST for social science courses. Choose from ARBC, CANA, CHIN, CLAS, CTMP, CRWR, EMSP, EURO, SWST, GERM, HIST, HTSC, ITAL, PERF, PHIL, RELS, RUSN, SPAN and THEA for humanities courses
d See Engineering section of the calendar for details
e Upper level courses that may be of particular interest to Engineering students include MATH 4220, MATH 4230 and MATH 4165