College of Sustainability

This Calendar is prepared some months before the year for which it is intended to provide guidance. The policies, procedures, and awards listed in this section are subject to continuing review and revision. Not all awards listed will be offered in any given year. Additionally, the number of awards offered, values of awards, and selection criteria may change without notice.

Note to ESS Students

Students in any Environment, Sustainability and Society (ESS) Major program are eligible for awards from the list linked below. This list includes all awards that are exclusive to ESS students as well as all university-wide awards. More information about College of Sustainability awards that require an application can be found on the College of Sustainability website.

ESS double major students are also eligible for awards from their other major subject. Please refer to the appropriate department list, grouped by Faculty, on the right side menu.

Bachelor of Management students in the ESS Major are also eligible for awards from the Faculty of Management.

All College of Sustainability Awards