Minerals Engineering Centre
Director: Josh Leon, PhD, PEng
Location: G Building, Sexton Campus
  1360 Barrington Street
  PO Box 15000
  Halifax, NS  B3H 4R2
Phone: (902) 494-3955
Fax: (902) 494-3506
Email: mec@dal.ca
Website: http://minerals.engineering.dal.ca

The Minerals Engineering Centre was established from the Laboratory for the Investigation of Minerals. The Minerals Engineering Centre provides research, analytical and advisory services to industries, universities, and government bodies in Atlantic Canada, Canada and International. The Centre is located in G Building on Sexton Campus and is affiliated with the Materials Engineering program. The services offered include:

  • Sample preparation of ores, soils, silts, rocks, cores, clay fraction and wood pellets
  • Size analysis, including screening, sieving, and sub-sieve analysis
  • Minerals separation using dense liquids
  • Physical and chemical analytical methods using atomic adsorption, XRD, ICP-OES, AA, x-ray fluorescence spectographic, wet chemical techniques and carboy/sulphur analysis
  • Analysis of samples including geological, metalliferous ores, industrial minerals, coals, metals, alloys and water
  • Mineral processing test work covering the whole range of investigative techniques from bench scale to pilot plant, including crushing, grinding, classification, gravity separation, dense medium separation, magnetic separation, electrostatic separation, flotation, flocculation, thickening, filtration, and drying
  • Evaluation of biomass fuels calositic value of raw material and wood pellet.

The Minerals Engineering Centre provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to learn various analytical and testing techniques applicable in their course of studies. It also offers services to faculty members to assist in their teaching and research activities.

Further information may be obtained from the Director of the Centre.