Minor in Classics: Medieval Philosophy
This minor is available to students registered in a 120 credit hour Bachelor of Applied Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Community Design, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Informatics, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) program.
Students must take between 18 and 27 credit hours from the following list, including the listed language courses. Must include 9 credit hours from:
- CLAS 3381.03: Medieval Philosophy from Anselm to Augustine
- CLAS 3382.03: Medieval Philosophy from Arabic and Jewish Thinkers to Aquinas
- ARBC 3040.03: Arabic Philosophical Texts: al-Ghazali (or CLAS 4010.03: Islamic Philosophy: al-Ghazali)
- ARBC 3050.03: Arabic Philosophical Texts: Maimonides (or CLAS 4011.03: Jewish Philosophy: Maimonides)
- CLAS 4018:03: Christian Theology in Islamic Lands: John of Damascus
- CLAS 4451.03: Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle
- CLAS 4452.03: Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle
Philosophy courses
- CLAS 2024.03: Philosophy and God
- CLAS 2027.03: Magic, Religion and Philosophy
- CLAS 3016.03: Meetings between Hellenism and the East to Philo the Jew
- CLAS 3017.03: Meetings between Hellenism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam until the Renaissance
- CLAS 3381.03: Medieval Philosophy from Anselm to Augustine
- CLAS 3382.03: Medieval Philosophy from Arabic and Jewish Thinkers to Aquinas
- CLAS 3411.03: St. Augustine's Confessions I
- CLAS 3412.03: St. Augustine's Confessions II
- CLAS 3431.03: St. Augustine's On the Trinity Part I
- CLAS 3432.03: St. Augustine's On the Trinity Part II
- CLAS 3841.03: Latin Philosophical Texts: Aquinas Texts
- CLAS 3842.03: Latin Philosophical Texts: Anselm and Bonaventure Texts
- CLAS 3911.03: Neoplatonism: Plato and Neoplatonism I
- CLAS 3912.03: Neoplatonism: Plato and Neoplatonism II
- CLAS 4060.03: Boethius and Prosimetrum: Poetry and Prose in the Consolation of Philosophy
- CLAS 4070.03: The Study of the Latin Text of Augustine's Confessions
- CLAS 4401.03: Philosophy of Greek Church Fathers
- CLAS 4402:03: Philosophy of Latin Church Fathers
- CLAS 4451.03: Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle
- CLAS 4452.03: Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle
- CLAS 4501.03: Seminar on Neoplatonism I
- CLAS 4502.03: Seminar on Neoplatonism II
- CLAS 4602.03: Hellenistic Philosophy - From Scepticism to Neoplatonism
Language Courses
Not more than six credit hours in a language course may be counted towards the Minor:
Note: Not all courses are offered each year. Please consult with the timetable for courses offered.
Contact Classics for more information.