Minor in Law, Justice and Society
This minor is available to students registered in a 120 credit hour Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Applied Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Community Design, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Informatics, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) program.
The requirements for a minor in LJSO include the following:
1. Core Courses:
2. Electives:
In addition to the core courses, students are required to take 18 credit hours from the approved list of Electives below, including at least 3 credit hours from your choice of three different disciplines (e.g. history, philosophy, political science, sociology and social anthropology, contemporary studies, or international development studies).
- CLAS 2365.03: Plato and the Case of Socrates: Philosophy on Trial
- CLAS 3434.03/PHIL 3434.03/POLI 3434.03: The Ancient Origins of Political Thought: From Homer to Aristotle
- COMM 2603.03: Legal Aspects of Business
- CTMP 2203.03/HSTC 2206.03: Bio-Politics: Human Nature in Contemporary Thought
- CTMP 3121.03: Genocide: Contemporary Perspectives
- CTMP 3204.03: Human Experiments
- CTMP 3321.03: Representations of the Holocaust: Bearing Witness
- CTMP 4125.03: Hannah Arendt: Terror, Politics, Thought
- ECON 2212.03: Law and Economics
- ECON 4360.03/PHIL 4361.03: Ethics, Justice, and Economics
- EMSP 2480.03/HIST 2750.03: The Pirate and Piracy
- EMSP 3430.03: Theories of Punishment: Retribution and Social Control in Early Modern Thought
- ENGL 2237.03: Outlaw Tales
- ENGL 4880.03: Prison Literature
- ENVS 3200.03: Introduction to Environmental Law
- HIST 2006.03: The Atlantic World 1450-1650
- HIST 2007.03: The Atlantic World 1650-1800
- HIST 2135.03: The Rule of Law? Topics in British Legal History (Pre-1900)
- HIST 2714.03: Slavery and Slaving in Global History
- HIST 2715.03: Locked Up: A Global History of Incarceration
- HIST 3053.03: Fascist and National Socialist Movements in Europe, 1900-1945
- HIST 3056.03: The Holocaust
- HIST 3101.03: Punishment, Crime and the Courts in Early Modern England
- HIST 3226.03: Law and Justice in Canadian Society, to 1890
- HIST 3227.03: Criminal Law, Crime and Punishment in Canadian Society, 1890 - present
- HIST 3600.03: History of Law & Justice
- HIST 4401.03: State Violence, Communal Conflict and Criminality in Modern South Africa
- HIST 4404.03: Crime and Punishment in Modern Africa
- INDG 4001.03: Treaty in Contemporary Society
- JOUR 3339.03: Ethics and Law for Journalists
- LJSO 3000.03: Processes of Justice
- LJSO 3100.03: Current Issues in Criminal Justice
- LJSO 3200.03: Topics in Law and Society
- LJSO 3500.03: Legal Research and Writing
- LJSO 3600.03: Critical Legal Studies
- LJSO 4300.03: Ethics, Law & Society
- MGMT 2200.03: Fundamentals of the Legal Environment of Management
- MGMT 2805.03: Indigenous Governance
- MGMT 4205.03: Law and Policy for Resource and Environmental Law (Discontinued Course)
- PHIL 2020.03: Legal Thinking
- PHIL 2450.03: Democracy, Difference, Citizenship
- PHIL 2475.03: Justice in Global Perspective
- PHIL 2490.03 / CSCI 3101.03: Social, Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science
- PHIL 3106.03: Animal Ethics
- PHIL 3211.03: Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 3476.03: Liberalism and Global Justice
- POLI 2210.03: Unity and Diversity: Dynamics of Canadian Federalism
- POLI 2215.03: Canadian Aboriginal Politics
- POLI 2220.03: Political Power and Partisan Politics
- POLI 2230.03: Municipal Law and City Politics in Canada
- POLI 2520.03: World Politics
- POLI 3206.03: Constitutional Law and Politics in Canada
- POLI 3207.03: Charter Politics
- POLI 3208.03: Canadian Provincial Policies
- POLI 3378.03: US Constitutional Government & Politics
- POLI 3385.03: Politics of the Environment
- POLI 3401.03: Contemporary Political thought
- POLI 3426.03/GWST 3426.03: Sex, Race, and the State
- POLI 3446.03: Politics of Crime
- POLI 3505.03: Human Rights: Foundations
- POLI 3510.03: Politics of Pandemics
- POLI 3531.03: The UN in World Politics
- POLI 3532.03: Model UN
- POLI 3581.03: Diplomacy and Negotiations
- POLI 4240.03/PUAD 5120.03: Policy Formation in Canada
- POLI 4303.03: Human Rights: Political Issues
- POLI 4390.03: Practicum in Public Policy: NGOs & Government Services
- POLI 4403.03: Human Rights: Philosophical Issues
- POLI 4450.03: Political Theories of International Ethics and Global Justice
- POLI 4481.03: Theories of Violence, Persecution and Genocide
- POLI 4505.03: Human Rights: Legal Issues
- POLI 4532.03: Indigenous Global Politics
- PSYO 2444.03: Forensic Psychology
- PSYO 3444.03: Criminal Behaviour
- SOSA 2181.03: Explaining Crime and Criminal Behavior
- SOSA 2182.03: Exploring Crime and Criminal Behaviour
- SOSA 3148.03: Drugs, Health and Society
- SOSA 3185.03: Owning and Belonging: De-colonial Issues in Indigenous/Settler Knowledges, Rights and Authority
- SOSA 3190.03: Social Movements
- SOSA 3225.03: Culture, Rights, Power
- SOSA 3260.03: Deviance
- SOSA 3275.03: Crime and Public Policy
- SOSA 3281.03: Youth Crime
- SOSA 3283.03: Globalized Security and Justice (Discontinued Course)
- SOSA 3285.03: Sociology of Law
- SOSA 3291.03: Corrections
- SOSA 3295.03: Society and the Police
- SOSA 4005.03: Issues in Social Justice and Inequality
- SUST 4125.03: Conflict Negotiation and Sustainability
Contact Law, Justice and Society https://dal.ca/ljso for more information.