Certificate in Technology Education
The Certificate in Technology Education Program is intended to upgrade and diversify the technology background of Technology Education teachers presently working in Nova Scotia schools. It is approved in Nova Scotia by the Minister of Education for teaching license upgrading. This program is an innovative collaboration between the Faculty of Agriculture and Nova Scotia's Technology Education Teachers Association, the Nova Scotia Department of Education, and Acadia University. The program provides a variety of hands-on experiences and teaching methodologies that strengthen traditional skills and introduce new technologies to better meet the demand for qualified technology educators for the public school system.
Instruction is conducted outside regular school hours, in evening or summer sessions.
Students must complete 30 credit hours of approved courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Twenty four credit hours must be from the Faculty of Agriculture course list; the remaining six credit hours are teaching methodology courses offered by Acadia University. The program must be completed in a maximum of six years. Courses can be taken in any sequence. The offering of this program is subject to sufficient enrolment.
Required Courses (eight required)
ENGN 1001.03: Engineering Design I
APSC 1003.03: Practices and Mechanics of Materials
APSC 1004.03: Wood Construction Technology
APSC 1005.03: Metal Construction Technology
APSC 2000.03: Environmental Impacts and Resource Management
APSC 2007.03: Fluid Power Technology
APSC 2008.03: Digital Electronics and Computer Interfacing
APSC 3001.03: Electrotechnology
APSC 3018.03: Technology Modules
APSC 3019.03: Communications Technology
Acadia Courses
EDUC 5053: Problems in Education: Technological Education and Sustainability
EDUC 5873: Technology & Curriculum: Technology Studies
Note: It is the responsibility of individual teachers to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the NS Department of Education for continuing education and upgrades. For more information, see certification.ednet.ns.ca/approval-upgrading-programs.