Certificate in Aquaculture
The Certificate in Aquaculture provides an opportunity for students to take a set of courses that will provide them an aquaculture specialization with opportunity to explore a range of aquatic species and the production system required to rear them, and understand their role in global food security. Students will gain awareness of, and demonstrated competency in, safe and humane handling of aquatic animals.
The certificate is open to students eligible for admission to or enrolled in a BSc or BSc (AGR) program at Dalhousie, except those majoring or minoring in Aquaculture.
Certificate Requirements
Total of 15 credit hours required to be completed within 5 years (maximum).
Required Courses
AQUA 2000.03: Introduction to Aquaculture
AQUA 3000.03: Fish Health
NUTR 3002.03: Fish Nutrition
BIOA 3005.03: Fish Physiology
AQUA 4000.03: Finfish Production or AQUA 4001.03: Shellfish Production
To inquire further about the requirements for the Certificate in Aquaculture, please contact Program Coordinators, Dian Patterson (dian.patterson@dal.ca) or Audrie-Jo McConkey (amcconkey@dal.ca).