Certificate in Public Health
a. NURS 4381.03 (Fall 2020): Public Health Nursing: This course provides an opportunity for students to advance their introductory knowledge of public health nursing principles, roles, and functions. Public health nursing integrates knowledge from public health and nursing science to promote, protect, improve and restore the health of populations. The focus will be on advancing their understanding and application of population health, priority setting and planning approaches, partnerships, public policy literacy and health equity.
b. NURS 4380.03 (Winter 2021): Introduction to Epidemiology Methods in Nursing Practice: This introductory course is intended to provide students at both the undergraduate and graduate level with a working knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and methods of epidemiology. The main focus of this course will be to learn to analyse and interpret information about disease (i.e. both acute and chronic) and other health related occurrences at a population level (e.g. risk factors, diversity, determinants of health) within a Public and Community Health Nursing context. This course will also provide an introduction to the concepts for developing, implementing and evaluating public health programs and, for independent inquiry and decision making around public health policy. There are no prerequisites for this course though students are required to have completed their second year of their undergraduate program or have permission from the course instructor. A clinical background and a basic understanding of statistics for the Graduate students are essential but not necessary for Undergraduate students.