Certificate in Mental Health

a.            NURS 4371 (Winter 2021) Addictions Nursing Practice: This nursing elective introduces major concepts associated with addiction nursing practice. It provides a foundation for students pursuing careers in addiction-related care. Within a primary healthcare perspective, students critique models and theories of addiction, consider the interplay between social, gender, cultural environments and addictions and become knowledgeable of a variety of treatment approaches. Universal, selective, and prevention activities at an individual, family and community level are explored

b.            NURS 4372 (Fall 2020) Mental Health Nursing: Students will gain insight into individuals’ experiences of mental health problems, mental disorders/psychiatric illnesses, and addictions over the life course. Multiple perspectives, including biological, nursing, sociological, philosophical and political, will guide the analysis. Treatment modalities will be critiqued. The association between nurses’ relational practices and individuals’ quests for life fulfillment will be examined.