Certificate in Theatre Creation

This certificate is open to currently registered Dalhousie and King's students in all Faculties.

Contact/Coordinator: Associate Director, Theatre (fspa.theatre@dal.ca

The Certificate in Theatre Creation offers students opportunities to study playwriting, theatre directing, dramaturgy, and other skills associated with the creation of theatrical works. Through both practical and theoretical studies, students will develop an understanding of the basics of play analysis and dramaturgy before continuing to advanced electives enabling them to specialize by developing practical skills important to the work of playwrights and/or theatre directors. All courses offer experiential learning through practical creative exercises. This Certificate will be of interest to any Dalhousie or King’s student who wishes to acquire foundational skills in creating theatrical works. 

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the certificate, students will: 

  • Understand the key methodologies for conducting preparatory analytical work on a playtext before rehearsals begin
  • Understand the principles underlying the structuring of dramatic texts 
  • Understand the typical rehearsal process, including how to interact with actors, designers, and stage technicians 
  • Understand the theory and terminology of playwriting 
  • Understand the theory and terminology of theatre directing 
  • Understand audience-building activities, such as outreach and promotion 
  • Have applied theoretical discoveries to practical and creative dramaturgical and playwriting exercises 
  • Have applied theoretical exercises to practical exercises in theatre directing 

Students will be able to count credit earned in these courses toward their undergaduate major, minor, or distribution requirements, unless otherwise specified in their program's regulations.


This certificate is a 12 credit hour certificate.

All students must complete the following two required courses: 

  • THEA 2901.03 (Dramaturgy: The Art of Developing Plays) 
  • THEA 2902.03 (Play Analysis for Directors) 

Students must also choose TWO of the following electives: 

  • THEA 3201.03 (Directing for the Stage) 
  • THEA 3601.03 (The Playwright in the Theatre A) 
  • THEA 3602.03 (The Playwright in the Theatre B) 
  • THEA/PERF/MUSC 4250.03 (Artists as Entrepreneurs: From Concept to Creation) 
  • THEA 4925.03 (Puppets: Bringing Objects to Life) 

Note: THEA 3201.03, THEA 3601.03 and THEA 3602.03 all require completion of the two required courses as prerequisites; the other two electives do not.