Certificate in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
Offered by: Mathematics & Statistics
Coordinator: Dr. Toby Kenney (tkenney@mathstat.dal.ca) Mathematics and Statistics
This program provides many of the learning objectives and fundamental mathematical and statistical skills required to complete the classes (and examinations) of the Society of Actuaries accreditation program. Students who are interested in a career in actuarial science should consult the Basic Education Catalogue on the Society of Actuaries web page (www.soa.org) or the Syllabus of Basic Education on the Casualty Actuaries website (www.casact.org). This program also prepares students for employment in general financial institutions where modelling, quantitative risk analysis, management of investment instruments, asset and liability management, life contingencies and insurance assessment, and other complex financial calculations are required.
Admission to Certificate
To enrol in the Certificate in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, students must declare the certificate through Dal Online (https://dalonline.dal.ca>Web for Students > Admissions > Declare Major/Minor/Certificate).
To graduate with the Certificate, students must apply to graduate with a Certificate at the time they apply to graduate from their degree program.
Certificate Requirements:
- Completion of a 120 credit hour Major or Honours program in Mathematics and/or Statistics
- Completion of the following mathematics courses: MATH 1000, MATH 1010, MATH 1030 or 2030, MATH 2001, MATH 2002, MATH 2600
- Completion of the following statistics courses: STAT 2060, STAT 2080, STAT 2450, STAT 3340 and STAT 3360
- Completion of either:
Financial Option: MATH 2120, MATH 3300, and MATH 3900
Actuarial Option: STAT 3703, STAT 3720, and STAT 4390