8. Examinations
There are five types of examinations for graduate students:
1. Course Examinations;
2. Qualifying or Preliminary Examinations;
3. Comprehensive Examinations;
4. Thesis Proposal Examinations (Defences); and
5. Thesis Examinations (Defences).
This section deals with 1, 2, 3, and 4. Thesis examinations are covered in Section 10.
8.1 Course Examinations
There are no supplementary examinations for graduate students. For further information on the grading scheme and the regulations governing examination grading see Section 7.7.2.
8.2 Qualifying or Preliminary Examinations
Some programs require qualifying or preliminary examinations. These occur early in the program (often within the first year) and are sometimes used to assess the transfer of a student from a Master’s to a Doctoral program. The exam may take the form of a presentation and defence of a research project, or it may involve a written or oral examination. Failure to pass may result in academic dismissal.
8.3 Comprehensive Examinations
Comprehensive examinations are part of Master’s degree programs in some academic units and all PhD degree programs. It is the responsibility of academic units to make the necessary arrangements for these examinations. Comprehensive exams should only be taken after the completion of all required coursework.
The comprehensive examination may be oral, written, or both and covers subjects relevant to the general area of the candidate’s research and teaching competency. Academic units are required to set out their rules on PhD examinations in writing and to give a copy to each PhD student on or before registration for the comprehensive examination. Failure to pass may result in academic dismissal. The Faculty of Graduate Studies must be notified immediately upon the completion of the examination process, and the result becomes part of the student’s official record.
8.4 Thesis Proposal Defences
Thesis programs may require a formal defence of a thesis proposal/proposition. The thesis proposal defence may be oral, written, or both. Academic units are required to set out their rules on thesis proposal defences in writing and to give a copy to each student well before the examination. Failure to pass may result in academic dismissal.
8.5 Academic Accommodation
See the Student Accommodation Policy in the University Regulations of this Calendar for detailed information.