Clinical Vision Science
Location: IWK Health Centre
5850/5980 University Avenue
6th Floor, Eye Clinic, Children's Building
P.O. Box 9700
Halifax, NS
B3K 6R8
Telephone: (902) 470-8019
Fax: (902) 470-7207


Dalhousie University offers its Clinical Vision Science Program in cooperation with IWK Health. The program provides students interested in the profession of orthoptics and ophthalmic medical technology with a strong foundation in the vision sciences and in research techniques.

Orthoptists/ophthalmic medical technologists are professionals integral to eye care. They perform diagnostic and highly technical procedures, and, in consultation with an ophthalmologist, they plan, implement and monitor treatment of a wide range of ocular disorders, including disorders of binocular vision and ocular motility. They are engaged in activities including research into ocular motility, education of other eye care professionals, patient education and vision screening.

The Clinical Vision Science Program is directed at optimizing professional clinical practice by encouraging an integrated approach to the field of the vision sciences and expanding knowledge of the research that underpins much of clinical practice. With its research component, the program ensures that graduates, as evidence-based practitioners, are prepared for both clinical and research-based practices and that they have the ability to analyze and relate research findings to clinical experience, skills vital for ensuring superior diagnostic and therapeutic services.

The program equips students with outstanding skills in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of ocular disorders to ensure strong clinical competence and to enable them to be full participants in the interdisciplinary model of eye-care. Students are exposed to a variety of clinical experiences that prepares them for the independent nature of professional practice.

Students have the option of exiting from the program after the second program year with a Graduate Diploma in Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Medical Technology, or of continuing further study to complete a thesis for a Masters in Clinical Vision Science.