Course Requirements

Students in both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. streams are expected to complete a minimum of six credit-hours during their studies. Of these six credit-hours, 3 credit-hours must be in a graduate-level research methodology course (i.e. statistics). As the MRGP does not offer courses, all 6 credit-hours are selected from course offerings of other Departments germane to the student’s area of research.

At the first meeting of the Supervisory Committee, relevant course work for the additional 3 credit-hours will be identified by the Committee in agreement with the student and the supervisor. These three credit-hours should be selected to provide the knowledge base required for the student’s thesis research.  In addition to these general requirements, all Ph.D. candidates are required to pass a comprehensive examination.

For more information contact the Graduate Secretary
Telephone: (902) 494-3886
Fax: (902) 494-7119