Earth Sciences
Location: Life Sciences Centre
1459 Oxford Street
Room 3006
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, NS
B3H 4R2
Telephone: (902) 494-2358
Fax: (902) 494-6889


Students with degrees in any of the sciences or mathematics who wish to study some aspect of the Earth are welcome. Graduate work leading to the degrees of MSc and PhD is possible in a number of different fields. These include for example: marine geology and geophysics, Appalachian geology, isotope geology, economic geology, petrology, geochemistry and mineralogy, geophysics, sedimentology, micropaleontology and coastal sedimentation, structural geology, metamorphism, and tectonics.

Interdisciplinary studies are encouraged, and there is active cooperation among the science departments (including Oceanography) at Dalhousie University. Students are urged to take full advantage of the opportunities this affords. Research, on scientific problems of mutual interest to Dalhousie and government laboratories such as the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, and the GSC Atlantic at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, is often done. Members of these laboratories frequently serve on supervisory committees.

The complex of departments and laboratories in Halifax and Dartmouth concerned with various aspects of the Earth make graduate study in Earth Sciences very attractive.