Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
For general rules, see the Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations.
The admission requirements are as follows: An MA thesis degree in French, an excellent French oral and written proficiency, a scholarly interest in one of the PhD thesis areas: all periods of French, Québec, Acadian, and Francophone literature and culture, with certain emphases, and the field of Linguistics, equally with particular emphases. Please consult the Department's PhD document for full details.
The requirements after admission are the following: Two years of Dalhousie residency, 24 credit hours (from the departmental offerings in the years of residency), a second language examination (other than French or English), written within two years after admission, preliminary and comprehensive written and oral examinations (not less than one year prior to submission of thesis), and the PhD thesis (FREN 9530, normally written in French) and its oral defence.