Below you will find descriptions for courses offered in this field of study. You will find a general overview of the topics covered and any prerequisite course(s) or grade requirements, credit value and exclusions.
Some courses are listed as exclusionary to one another. This means that students may not take both courses for academic credit. Graduate courses which have undergraduate exclusions may be co-located (delivered in parallel). Some courses are restricted to enrollment in specific graduate programs, or may require instructor/graduate coordinator permission to register.
Not all courses are offered each year, and offerings may be cancelled in the event of low registration. Please consult the current timetable for this year's offering. For further information, please contact the program.
Course Descriptions
All elective courses are open to graduate students in other programs by permission of the instructor.
To facilitate the success in the MMM interdisciplinary degree program, Marine Affairs requires students lacking a foundation in marine sciences or social sciences be exposed to introductory courses in oceanography (OCEA 2001.03 The Blue Planet I and OCEA 2002.03 The Blue Planet II) and/or in the social sciences (SOSA 1002 People and Culture). OCEA 2001 and OCEA 2002, and SOSA 1002 and SOSA 1003, are undergraduate courses that provide students with some exposure to the forces at play in the marine environment, and social science theories, methodologies and approaches. The MAP Director, in association with the MAP Admissions Committee, advises the student on which course(s) are required by the student to take as ancillary course(s) during the MMM program.