Course Descriptions
MARA 5002 Graduate Project
Students are required to apply the knowledge gained through course work to a specific planning and management problem or issue of interest to them. The project contains both a written and a practical component. The written portion is completed under the supervision of an appropriate academic advisor. Students are required to give a presentation on their graduate project. The practical component provides students an internship period with a local public or private sector agency of relevance to the project topic. The area of research must be approved by the MAP Director and Graduate Project Committee.
FORMAT: Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Students are expected to register in this course each term, receiving a grade of IP until all course requirements are completed
MARA 5003 Marine Science and Technology
This course provides a survey of marine science and technology (basic marine-basin geography and geology, physical, chemical and biological oceanography). Various fields and topics are addressed from a scientific research and technology application perspective. Where possible, and relevant, the application of the scientific findings to issues of management, resource exploitation and policy formation are addressed. Course content and assignments should help marine managers use science and technology to: 1) recognize /formulate problems; 2) identify relevant information necessary to address problems; 3) find relevant and reliable information/assistance; 4) reliably interpret the information to make objective management decisions.
FORMAT: Seminar
RESTRICTIONS: MMM students only
MARA 5004 Marine Management Skills Development
This course will cover tools and techniques that are relevant for today's marine managers. Topics and methods will include risk assessment, applied GIS, and the project cycle.
FORMAT: Seminar
PREREQUISITES: MMM students only
MARA 5005 Independent Readings
This course is an option for MMM students who wish to pursue independent research into a specific topic not covered in another course. The topic and area of research must be approved by the MAP Director and the research supervisor.
MARA 5008 Integrated Maritime Enforcement
The aim of this course is to sensitize students to the complexities of maritime enforcement within a coastal and ocean management framework by building an understanding of the roles of maritime enforcement in integrated planning and management. In doing so, students are introduced to concepts, tools, techniques and procedures of enforcement.
FORMAT: Seminar
MARA 5009 Coastal Zone Management
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts, principles, approaches, and issues associated with integrated management of coastal zones worldwide. It uses a systems approach to understanding the global context of coastal zone management. Case studies and examples from developed and developing countries are used to present practical approaches to the management of multiple uses in the coastal zone, including community-based management models.
ENVI 5204.03,
LAWS 2041.03
MARA 5010 Contemporary Issues in Ocean Management and Development - Part 1
This course offers an introduction to the field of marine affairs and to the broad suite of contemporary issues confronting the ocean and coastal manager. As a foundation core course for MMM students, the course draws on examples from topical streams of the MMM degree program. Subject areas addressed include current governance approaches, negotiation and consensus building, managing and assessing risk to both the human and natural components of the ecosystem and protection and preservation of the coastal and marine environment and the communities that depend on them. The course employs interactive teaching techniques with a group work component.
NOTES: Credit can only be given for this course if
MARA 5010 and
MARA 5011 are completed in consecutive terms.
FORMAT: Seminar
RESTRICTIONS: MMM students only
MARA 5011 Contemporary Issues in Ocean Management and Development - Part 2
This course offers an introduction to the field of marine affairs and to the broad suite of contemporary issues confronting the ocean and coastal manager. As a foundation core course for MMM students, the course draws on examples from topical streams of the MMM degree program. Subject areas addressed include current governance approaches, negotiation and consensus building, managing and assessing risk to both the human and natural components of the ecosystem and protection and preservation of the coastal and marine environment and the communities that depend on them. The course employs interactive teaching techniques with a group work component.
NOTES: Credit can only be given for this course if
MARA 5010 and
MARA 5011 are completed in consecutive terms.
FORMAT: Seminar
RESTRICTIONS: MMM students only
MARA 5012 Community-Based Co-Management
This course will critically examine the extent to which community-based co-management provides a viable approach to marine resource management in terms of its costs and benefits, opportunities for and barriers to its implementation, and conditions necessary for its long-term survival as a practical management tool.
FORMAT: Seminar
MARA 5013 Marine Protected Areas
The role of MPAs around the world is continually evolving. From fully no-take marine reserves to multiple use marine parks, the range of options available to marine managers is explored. Based on the foundations of marine spatial planning, course will provide the latest information on MPAs with a focus on the Canadian context with exploration of international experiences and best practices.
MARA 5015 Marine Transportation Policy and Administration
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of marine transportation and related activities. Special emphasis is placed on the role of government, including the formulation of marine transportation policy, supporting legislation/regulation, the development and delivery of regulatory programs, the provision of public marine support services, and associated governance considerations.
FORMAT: Seminar
MARA 5021 Fisheries Management
This interdisciplinary course focuses on the theory and practice of fishery management, with emphasis on Sustainable Fishery Systems. It will address the structure and dynamics of fisheries, and key themes in managing fisheries for sustainability and resilience, through seminars and class discussion, as well as attendance at related fisheries and coastal events.
FORMAT: Seminar
ENVI 5021.03
MARA 5537 Ocean Governance
MARA 5589 Politics of the Sea
The course will examine environmental, political and economic forces which affect contemporary ocean governance and management. Contemporary issues will be used to explore the geo-political ocean on a sectoral basis (transportation, fisheries and resources, military, etc.), as well as analyzing the evolution of national oceans policies and institutions.
FORMAT: Seminar
POLI 5589.03
POLI 4590.03